Fan Ho (1931- 2016)
Fan Ho (1931-2016) was a legendary photographer whose stunning black and white images captured the essence of mid-20th century Hong Kong. With a keen eye for composition and a deep appreciation for light and shadow, Fan Ho's masterful works transcend the boundaries of documentary photography to become works of art in their own right.
Born in Shanghai in 1931, Fan Ho’s photographic career started in Shanghai at the early age of 14 when given his first Kodak Brownie for his birthday from his father. Fan Ho moved to Hong Kong with his family at the age of 18. It was there that he began to hone his craft, exploring the city's streets and alleys to capture the people and places that would come to define his oeuvre. Fan Ho was most prolific in his teens and 20’s and created his biggest body of work before reaching 28. His work didn’t go by unnoticed at his time. He won close to 300 local and international awards and titles in his day through competing in the salons. His talent was also spotted by the film industry where he started out as an actor before moving to film directing until retiring at 65. Over the course of his career, Fan Ho published several photography books and won numerous awards for his work.
Fan Ho's photographs are characterized by their striking use of light and shadow, which creates a sense of drama and depth in each image. He often incorporated architectural elements into his compositions, using the lines and angles of buildings to frame his subjects and draw the viewer's eye through the image. He never intended to create a historic record of the city’s buildings and monuments; rather he aimed to capture the soul of Hong Kong. As per Mr Ho; ‘I love Hong Kong and I love Hong Kong people’’ ; the hardship and resilience of its citizens.
The work of Fan Ho is often compared to the iconic French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson, who is widely considered one of the most influential photographers of all time. Both artists shared a deep appreciation for the decisive moment, that fleeting instant when all the elements of a scene come together to create a perfect composition.
Like Cartier-Bresson, Fan Ho had a remarkable ability to capture life as it happened, often waiting patiently for the right moment to snap his shutter. His photographs are characterized by their spontaneity and energy, as well as their careful attention to detail and composition.
However, while Cartier-Bresson is known for his candid street photography, Fan Ho's work often has a more deliberate, almost cinematic quality. He was a master of using light and shadow to create mood and atmosphere, and his images often have a sense of drama and storytelling that sets them apart from the work of his contemporaries.
Despite these differences, both Fan Ho and Cartier-Bresson shared a deep respect for the art of photography, and their work continues to inspire and influence generations of photographers to this day. Whether you are drawn to the raw energy of Cartier-Bresson's street scenes or the elegant beauty of Fan Ho's Hong Kong, both artists represent the very best of what photography can achieve.
From bustling street scenes to quiet moments of contemplation, Fan Ho's photographs capture the essence of a bygone era with an elegance and grace that is truly timeless.
Today, Fan Ho's work can be found in galleries and museums around the world, where it continues to inspire and captivate viewers with its beauty and artistry. Whether you are a photography enthusiast or simply a lover of fine art, Fan Ho's photographs are sure to leave a lasting impression on all who see them.
Fan Ho is a Fellow of the Photographic Society and the Royal Society of Arts in England, and an Honorary Member of the Photographic societies of Singapore, Argentina, Brazil, Germany, France, Italy and Belgium. He most recently won a 'Life-time Achievement Award, the 2nd Global Chinese Int'l Photography Award, China, 2015' by the Chinese Photographic Society (Guangzhou).
During his long career he has taught photography and film making at a dozen universities worldwide. His work is in many private and public collection of which most notable are: M+ Museum, Hong Kong, Heritage Museum, Hong Kong, Bibliothèque National de France, Paris, France, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, USA, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, USA and many more.
Fan Ho, ‘In a Chinese Street’, Hong Kong 1959, silver gelatine vintage print signed, titled and dated in ink and pencil, stamped with artist’s chop 39 x 49 cm (currently not available)
Links to official pages:
Fan Ho estate website run by Fan Ho’s family/Trust:
Instagram: and
Warning: please note that Blue Lotus Gallery is the ONLY gallery/agent authorized by Fan Ho and his estate (Fan Ho Trust) to deal in Fan Ho’s works. Fan Ho lawfully terminated his previous gallery/agent, Themes+Projects (T+P, sometimes known as Modernbook) in October 2015. Notwithstanding demands by Fan Ho and the Fan Ho Trust, T+P has refused to return inventory and pay over proceeds and royalties from sales of prints and books to the estate. Frustrated by T+P’s actions, the Fan Ho Trust had no choice but to sue T+P, as well as Mark Pinsukanjana and Bryan Yedinak (the general partners of T+P), earlier this year. The full complaint can be downloaded and viewed here. If you have any concerns or require more information, please contact us.
被譽為「一代宗師」的何藩因拍攝五、六十年代的香港而聞名,成為亞洲最受歡迎的街頭攝影師之一。何藩1931 年出生於中國上海。自14歲生日時獲父親所贈 Rolleiflex 雙鏡頭相機開始,便與攝影結下不解之緣,更在第一年便獲得首個獎項。其後他於 1949 年與家人移居香港,繼續追尋攝影夢。
青少年時代到二十八歲前是何藩最為高產的時期。他的作品在當時已獲得廣泛關注,通過參加畫廊比賽贏得近 300 個地區和國際性大獎。他的才華對電影業亦產生了不小的影響。他曾參演多部電影,之後轉作導演直至 65 歲退休。
過往曾到多國大學教授攝影及電影製作。其作品獲眾多私人和公共機構收藏,其中最著名的包括:香港 M+ 博物館、香港文化博物館、法國國家圖書館(Bibliothèque National de France)、舊金山現代藝術博物館(San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)、美國聖巴巴拉藝術博物館(Santa Barbara Museum of Art)、美國克利夫蘭藝術博物館(The Cleveland Museum of Art)。
Selected works by Fan Ho:
Images are displayed for reference only. For availability, please contact us. All rights are reserved by © Fan Ho Estate.
Fan Ho, Waterfront 1965
Fan Ho, Controversy, Hong Kong 1955
Fan Ho, Balance
If you wish to receive Fan Ho’s latest e-catalog, please submit the form here below:
Books are available from our online shop.
Published by WE Press, Hong Kong, 2021
Fourth Edition
220 pages, 153 illustrations
264 x 328mm
Hard Cover Case Binding
English, Chinese
ISBN: 978-98879340-8-0
Published by Modernbook Editions USA , 2021
Fourth Edition
24.13x 27.94 cm
Cloth-bound hard cover
176 pages, 150 duo-tone plates
English and Chinese
ISBN-13: 978-0980104431
Published by Modernbook Editions 2020
24.1 x 27.9 cm
Cloth-bound hard cover
128 pages, 101 dual-color plates
English and Chinese
ISBN: 978-0-9908712-0-0
The Art of Photography by Ted Forbes on Ho Fan In this video - we're going to look at the work of Fan Ho. Fan Ho was born in Shanghai in 1937. After learning how to develop images using the family bathtub he went on to be one of the most notable street photographers and finest artists China has produced.
Film director Ho Fan, began his career as a photographer, capturing the light and the reality of Hong Kong in the 1950s and 1960s, a time when the harbour was much larger and the buildings much smaller.
Fan Ho collected by M+
Interview by M+ with Fan Ho can be viewed here.
Fan Ho: Visual Dialogues | Hong Kong through the lens of Fan Ho
13–30 June 2017
Organised by Sothebys with the support of Blue Lotus Gallery and the Fan Ho Estate
'Not many artists can get as many hearts racing as Fan Ho can. The legendary young photographery shook the world with with his dramatic shots of Hong Kong street scenes in the the 1950's. Over 30 works are exhibited and up for sale at Sotheby's, gathering what is one of the most comprehensive retrospectives of the artist. Among vintage works, the public will also be able to see Ho's precious Rolleiflex camera used throughout his lifetime, as well as check out the brand new book. "Fan Ho: Portrait of Hong Kong", published by WE PRESS available for sale at the exhibition' CNN
All images are courtesy of Sothebys.
Press Received:
2017-6 | SCMP ’Photographer Fan Ho’s never-before-seen Hong Kong images on show in exhibition and new book’
2017-6-1 CNN ‘Mesmerizing vintage photos provide rare glimpse of old Hong Kong’
2016-6 | SCMP: 'Ho Fan, celebrated 1950s Hong Kong street photographer, dies in California'
2016-6 | ARTSY: 'Fan Ho, Iconic Hong Kong Photographer, Dead at 84'
2016-6 | HK Magazine: 'The Final Frame'
2016-6 | HK Commercial Daily
2016-6 | HK Economic Journal
2016-6 | Wen Wei Daily
2016-6 | Sing Tao Daily
2016-6 | Singpao Daily
2016-6 | Oriental Daily
2016-6 | Mingpao Daily
2016-6 | The Standard: 'Local photography icon dies'
2016-6 | Hong Kong Economic Journal
2016-6 | Headline Daily
2016-6 | Apple Daily
2016-6 | DP Review - 'Remembering Ho Fan'
2015-1 | Art and Design (China) - 'Writing Poems with Camera'
2014-12 | Le Petit Journal - 'DERNIERS JOURS - FAN HO - Chroniqueur d’un Hong Kong hors du temps'
2014-11 | SCMP 48 Hours (HK) - 'The Cartier Bresson of the East is developing old negatives and showing never before seen photo's'
2014-11 | New York International Time - 'Memoir of Old Hong Kong'
2014-11 | Hong Kong Tatler - 'Intimate Glimpses'
2014-11 | The Independent (UK) - 'Old Hong Kong: Photographer Fan Ho's memoir of the city'
2014-11 | L'Oeil de la Photographie - ‘A Hong Kong Memoir’ by legendary Ho Fan'
2014-11 | Perspective Magazine (Hong Kong) - 'HONG KONG THROUGH THE LENS OF HISTORY'
2014-8 | 20 Mins ES (Spain) - 'El fotógrafo Fan Ho, 'el Cartier-Bresson asiático', revisa a los 83 años su deslumbrante obra'
2014-8 | Guardian (UK) - 'Life and Light'
2014-8 | Guardian (UK) - 'Fan Ho: finding love and light in 1950s Hong Kong – in pictures'
2014-8 | PetaPixel - 'Fan Ho’s Fantastic Black-and-White Street Photographs of 1950s Hong Kong'
2014-1 | Art Illustrated (India) - 'The Tao of Fan Ho'