Photography. My Passion. My Life.
by Fan Ho 何藩
Fan Ho 'As Evening Hurries By(日暮途遠)' Hong Kong 1955, courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
Exhibition Dates 展覽日期: 18 November – 18 December 2022
Venue 地點: Blue Lotus Gallery, 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Opening hours 開放時間: Tue–Sun, 11am–6pm, closed on public holidays
+++ This exhibition is free for entry
+++ 展覽免費進場
About the exhibition 關於展覽:
The creator's journey is always a difficult one with its twists and turns, but every creator has its own way of embarking on their unique path. Fan Ho, an internationally renowned photographer who captured Hong Kong in the 50’s and 60’s, devoted his life to evolving his craft. His own artistic journey started as early as 1945 and he was over time inspired by different schools and styles to eventually come to his own unique style.
This journey is documented in Fan Ho’s latest photo-book 'Photography. My Passion. My Life.’ published by We Press in 2021. A highlight of the book is the essay 'My Quest', in which he recollects his past works and reflects on his personal interpretations of aesthetics, poetics, philosophy and synergy. This journey will also be expressed in Fan Ho’s latest exhibition at Blue Lotus Gallery inviting photography enthusiasts to explore and pursue the wonders of photography through Fan Ho's lens.
何藩最新攝影集《感情‧感悟‧感覺》中的第一篇文章:《我的嘗試》,於字裡行間完整記錄上述的探索足跡,以文字及多幀獲獎無數的作品,剖析出他對於美學、詩學、哲學之間協調的定義。《感情‧感悟‧感覺》將於 藍蓮畫廊 以展覽形式呈獻給廣大的攝影愛好者,我們誠邀大家到場一睹何藩生平的影藝結晶,一同跟隨他的步伐去不斷的追尋、不斷的嘗試。
Fan Ho, ‘The Flight(印象)’, Hong Kong 1965, courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
About Fan Ho 關於何藩 (1931-2016):
Born in Shanghai in 1931, Fan Ho delved into photography at the early age of 14 when he started taking pictures with a Kodak Brownie camera. Later at the age of 18, his Father bought him a twin lens Rolleiflex camera with which he took all his award-winning photographs. In 1949, Fan Ho’s parents moved to Hong Kong where the young Fan Ho continued pursuing his passion for photography, in particularly for street photography. Dubbed the Cartier-Bresson of the East’, Fan Ho’s works earned him close to 300 local and international photography awards and titles. During 1958-1965, he was named as one of the top 10 photographers of the world, by the Photography Society of America. His talent was discovered also by the film industry where he started out as an actor before moving into Directing until his retirement at age 65.
During his lifetime, Fan Ho taught photography and film-making at various universities worldwide. His works remain in private and public collections which, most notably, include that of M+ Museum (Hong Kong), Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Bibliothèque National de France, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (USA) to name but a few.
何藩 1931 年出⽣於中國上海。⾃14 歲⽣日時獲⽗親所贈 Kodak Brownie 相機開始,便與攝影結下不解之緣,更在第⼀年便獲得首個獎項。其後他於 18 歲獲贈 Rolleiflex 雙鏡頭相機及跟隨家人移居香港,繼續追尋攝影夢。被譽為「東方布列松」的何藩 ,年輕時其作品已獲得廣泛關注, 通過參加⽐賽贏得近 300 個地區和國際性⼤獎,更於1958-1965年榮獲「世界十傑」攝影師(美國攝影學會統計)。何藩的才華對電影業亦產生了不小的影響。他曾參演多部電影,之後轉作導演直⾄ 65 歲退休。
過往曾到多國⼤學教授攝影及電影製作。其作品獲眾多私人和公共機構收藏,其中最著名的包括:⾹港 M+ 博物館、⾹港文化博物館、法國家圖書館(Bibliothèque National de France)、舊⾦山現代藝術博物館(San Francisco Museum of Modern Art)、美國聖巴拉藝術博物館(Santa Barbara Museum of Art)、美國克利夫蘭藝 術博物館(The Cleveland Museum of Art)等等。
More information about artist 更多藝術家資訊:
About the book 關於攝影集:
’Photography. My Passion. My Life’ 《感情‧感悟‧感覺》
Photos by Fan Ho 何藩
Essays by Fan Ho, Law Kar and Timmy Chen
Published by WE Press, Hong Kong
ISBN: 978-988-79341-0-3
Language: English and Chinese
Number of pages: 220 pp
Dimensions: W 264 mm x H 328 mm
Hard Cover Case Binding
NEW! Collotype Portfolio: Fan Ho 何藩 | Selected Works
Collotype Portfolio: Fan Ho | Selected Works
Mini Portfolio
Containing 6 prints
Portfolio Size: 25.8 × 20.6 × 0.8 cm
Image Size: 25.4 x 20.3 cm
Open Edition
0.5 kg