‘The Dreaming’ by Yasuhiro Ogawa, was first published in 2020 comprising a collection of black and white photographs, shot during his travels throughout Asia over the past 30 years. Ogawa visited China (including Tibet), Myanmar, India, Cambodia and Latin America. For the artist, revisiting his negatives during timed of lockdowns and restricted travel, felt like reliving an old dream indeed.
'The Dreaming' (current third edition published by Sokyusha/ Blue Lotus Editions) topped the charts as bestseller#1 in the online book selling platform UK ‘Photobook Store UK’ in 2020.
Yasuhiro Ogawa will be present @ Photo London to sign his photo-book 'The Dreaming'!
《The Dreaming》-日本攝影師 小川康博 的攝影系列及同名攝影集,於2020年2月首次發布。書中展示出 小川 過去30年遊遍亞洲的旅途中所拍攝的黑白作品,包括中國、緬甸、印度、柬埔寨及其他亞洲國家。對於這位藝術家而言,重新審視自己的底片,感覺就彷似重溫一場舊夢。
於2020年,《The Dreaming》於600多本攝影書籍當中,脫穎而出登上了英國知名 Photobookstore 的暢銷書榜第一位。終於,大家發掘到這一顆滄海遺珠。目前最新推出的第三刷,由 蒼穹舎 及 Blue Lotus Editions 聯合出版。
小川康博 將出席 Photo London 並為他的攝影集《The Dreaming》簽名!