Hong Kong Poetry, Hong Kong's soul in focus.
to Apr 27

Hong Kong Poetry, Hong Kong's soul in focus.

  • Blue Lotus Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The bustling metropolis of Hong Kong, with its striking juxtapositions of towering skyscrapers, meandering alleyways, neon-lit streets, and tranquil harbors, has long been a muse to photographers from around the world. This March, the essence of this iconic city is brought to life in the group exhibition, Hong Kong Poetry, featuring the evocative works of celebrated photographers Fan Ho, Palani Mohan, Thomas Gust, and Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze.

Running from 22 March to 27 April at Blue Lotus Gallery, Hong Kong Poetry invites visitors to explore the city through the poetic lens of four distinctive artists, each of whom has captured the spirit, energy, and contradictions of Hong Kong in their own unique way.

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Shooting Hoops | Austin Bell - Book Launch and Exhibition at Blue Lotus Gallery
to Feb 23

Shooting Hoops | Austin Bell - Book Launch and Exhibition at Blue Lotus Gallery

  • Blue Lotus Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Shooting Hoops. All 2,549 of Hong Kong’s basketball courts
Book launch and exhibition at Blue Lotus Gallery 
17 January - 23 February 2025

Blue Lotus Gallery is proud to announce the latest exhibition, ‘Shooting Hoops’ by Austin Bell, coinciding with the release of his self-published book of the same title.

In this ambitious project, Bell catalogued every outdoor basketball court in Hong Kong—an impressive total of 2,549 courts. His journey took him through the city’s nooks and crannies, relying solely on public transport. Through aerial photography, the images highlight the unique designs of these courts, their ubiquity, and their stark contrast against the city’s vertical density.

This exploration not only mapped the locations of the courts but also captured the diverse topography of Hong Kong.

The exhibition runs from January 15 to February 23, 2025. After experiencing these stunning perspectives of the city’s sports surfaces, you will never look at a basketball court in Hong Kong the same way again.

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Exhibition: Voices of the walls. 
to Dec 1

Exhibition: Voices of the walls. 

Photographs serve as a vital medium for archiving collective memory and preserving heritage, particularly for places that will eventually disappear, like the walled city. While few ventured there, even fewer thought to document it. However, Ian Lambot and Greg Girard did just that in the years leading up to its demolition, culminating in the iconic book City of Darkness, published by Watermark, which has sold over 20,000 copies to date. This collection not only preserves the heritage of the notorious walled city through photographs and stories but also served as a source of inspiration for future generations of artists, still influencing everything from video games and AI-generated imagery, like that of Bianca Tse showcased in this exhibition, to films such as the latest blockbuster,  ‘Twilight of the Warriors: Walled in.’

According to Sarah Greene: “This exhibition showcases a remarkable collection of photographs that illuminate the stories of its residents. 'Voices of the Walls' underscores the significance of remembering Kowloon Walled City as a testament to human ingenuity and adaptability. It celebrates the spirit of those who lived there while highlighting the vital role of photography and books in preserving heritage in a constantly evolving city like Hong Kong, for generations to come. We are also prompted to consider what should be documented now to be cherished in the future, before it too fades away.”

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FAIR: UNSEEN, Amsterdam
to Sep 22

FAIR: UNSEEN, Amsterdam

  • Westergas Amsterdam (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Unseen Amsterdam:
Westergas Amsterdam, Klönneplein 1

Thursday 19 September 14.00 – 17.00 Private, invitees only

Thursday 19 September 17.00 – 22.00 Private, invitees only

Public opening days:
Friday 20 September 11.00 – 21.00
Saturday 21 September 11.00 – 19.00
Sunday 22 September 11.00 – 19.00

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Summer at Blue Lotus G (currently showing)
to Sep 22

Summer at Blue Lotus G (currently showing)

Over the summer we will be rotating between works we exhibited before or works which received attention in the last year alongside new works that give a preview of exhibitions that are to come in the future.

Artists currently showing: Fan Ho (Old Hong Kong), Greg Girard, Ian Lambot (Kowloon Walled City) and Walter Koditek (Hong Kong Modern architecture).

You can also discover our exciting photobook collection of books published by blue lotus editions and other independent publishers.

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Book Signing: Walter Koditek, 'Hong Kong Modern'
11:00 AM11:00

Book Signing: Walter Koditek, 'Hong Kong Modern'

Please join us for a book signing of Walter Koditek’s newly released second edition of ‘Hong Kong Modern’, Architecture of the 1950s - 1970s published by Blue Lotus Edition.

Location: Blue Lotus Gallery, 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Time: 11am-12:30pm

No RSVP required, just come!

No entrance fee, everyone is welcome.

Inquiries: info@bluelotus-gallery.com

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Yasuhiro Ogawa 小川康博 | Into The Silence, book launch & exhibition
to Apr 28

Yasuhiro Ogawa 小川康博 | Into The Silence, book launch & exhibition

Yasuhiro Ogawa’s brand new project ‘Into the Silence’, soon to be released as a photobook pubished by Blue Lotus Editions Hong Kong, captures the rugged yet timeless beauty of Japan’s northern region.

捕捉日本北陸地區崎嶇而永恆之美 - 小川康博 的全新系列《Into The Silence》即將由 Blue Lotus Edition Hong Kong 出版成攝影集。

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Artist Talk by Stefan Irvine
11:30 AM11:30

Artist Talk by Stefan Irvine

Come meet the artist - Stefan Irvine on Sunday 28 January, starting at 11:30am - 1:00pm. He will share more stories about his exhibition and new photo book, “Abandoned Villages of Hong Kong”, published by Blue Lotus Editions.

歡迎你於1月28日來參與《瓦落叢生》攝影集作者-Stefan Irvine 於畫廊舉行的分享會,屆時他將會分享更多關於他這本最新出版的攝影集及同名展覽的故事。

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'Abandoned Villages of Hong Kong' 《瓦落叢生》 Book Launch and Exhibition by Stefan Irvine
to Feb 25

'Abandoned Villages of Hong Kong' 《瓦落叢生》 Book Launch and Exhibition by Stefan Irvine

  • Blue Lotus Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Discover the captivating allure of Hong Kong's forgotten villages in Stefan Irvine's solo exhibition, "Abandoned Villages of Hong Kong”, accompanied by a photo-book under the same title published by Blue Lotus Edition. Stefan's photography collection unveils the haunting beauty and hidden narratives of the city's isolated settlements, frozen in time. This documentary-style exhibition will be showcased at Blue Lotus Gallery from January 12th to February 25th, 2024, serving as a poignant reminder of life's fleeting nature and the enduring legacy of those who preceded us. Join us on this evocative journey to explore the vanishing corners of this vibrant city.

Stefan Irvine 的全新個人展覽,以及由 Blue Lotus Edition 出版的同名攝影集《瓦落叢生》,將展示這座城市那些被遺忘的角落,喚醒不同仿佛被時間凝固了一樣的廢墟故事。誠邀大家從 2024年1月12日至2月25日 期間蒞臨 Blue Lotu Gallery,一同來探索香港遺跡的魅力,並從中發現隱藏於郊外與島嶼當中的難忘絕景。

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Artist Talk by Palani Mohan
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk by Palani Mohan

Come meet the artist - Palani Mohan on Saturday 25 November, starting at 11:00am - 12:30pm. He will share more stories about his latest photo book and exhibition, titled 'Watch with Wonder.'

歡迎你於11月25日來參與《Watch with Wonder》攝影集作者-Palani Mohan 於畫廊舉行的分享會,屆時他將會分享更多關於他這本最新出版的攝影集及同名展覽的故事。

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'Watch With Wonder', a book launch and solo exhibition by Palani Mohan
to Dec 31

'Watch With Wonder', a book launch and solo exhibition by Palani Mohan

Step into a world of wonder with Palani Mohan's captivating photo book and exhibition, 'Watch with Wonder.' Through his breathtaking black and white images, Mohan takes us on a poetic journey, revealing the beauty found in silence, stillness in epic sceneries but also in the smallest moments in our near environment. From the Louvre Museum to the Australian Outback to the Hong Kong Harbor each frame invites us to pause, observe, and discover the magic of our wonderful world. Join us at Blue Lotus Gallery from November 17th to December 31st, 2023, and immerse yourself in the timeless allure of Mohan's evocative compositions.

The exhibition marks the release of the book with the same title published by Hong Kong University Press.

Palani Mohan 的攝影集及展覽《Watch with Wonder》誠邀大家踏進一個不可思議的世界,一同展開一場令人心馳神往的探索之旅。 Palani 透過令人屏息的黑白作品,帶領觀眾進入一個詩意盎然的境界,展現出壯麗景色中的靜謐,以及身邊微細瞬間的感動。從羅浮宮博物館到澳洲的荒野,再走過香港的海港,每一幀畫面都邀請我們停下腳步仔細觀察,從中發現美妙世界的魔力。歡迎大家於 2023年11月17日至12月31日 蒞臨 Blue Lotu Gallery,一起沉浸於 Palani 引人入勝的作品中,感受那歷久不衰的魅力。

本展覽亦標誌著由 香港大學出版社 出版的同名攝影集的發布。

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Artist Talk by Andrew Eldon
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk by Andrew Eldon

Come meet the artist - Andrew Eldon on Saturday 4 November, starting at 11:00am - 12:30pm. He will share his experiences of capturing the world of Suri, a semi-nomadic tribe inhabiting the remote Omo Valley of Ethiopia, about their life and traditions.

歡迎你於11月4日來參與《Tribe 部落》系列攝影師 -Andrew Eldon 於畫廊舉行的分享會,屆時他將會分享更多關於拍攝埃塞俄比亞奧莫谷地的蘇里部落世界的故事,分享蘇里生活與傳統共存的優雅和輝煌。

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'TRIBE',  a solo photography exhibition by Andrew Eldon at Blue Lotus Gallery Hong Kong
to Nov 12

'TRIBE', a solo photography exhibition by Andrew Eldon at Blue Lotus Gallery Hong Kong

  • Blue Lotus Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Blue Lotus Gallery presents a remarkable photographic journey into the world of the Suri Tribe of Ethiopia in Andrew Eldon's new exhibition opening 27 October. His intimate portraits and cultural insights invite us to understand the Suri's distinctive traditions and way of life before it disappears.

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Yasuhiro Ogawa | Into The Silence (a pop-up exhibition in Ghent)
to Sep 3

Yasuhiro Ogawa | Into The Silence (a pop-up exhibition in Ghent)

Yasuhiro Ogawa’s brand new project Into the Silence, soon to be released as a photobook pubished by Blue Lotus Editions Hong Kong, captures the rugged yet timeless beauty of Japan’s northern region.

The exhibition wil also feature about ten selected handmade dark room prints of his previous project: The Dreaming, photos taken during his travels over 30 yearsOgawa’s imagery creates an intimate poetic record of the emotions and sentiments that come with the act of traveling; the feeling of sweet boredom during long train journeys, the loneliness that accompanies being in a new and unfamiliar place, and the sense of freedom and adventure that comes with traveling. His work is a testament to the simple pleasures of feeling alive.

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Extended! Group Exhibition: Goodbye Kai Tak and Thank You 《再見啟德,謝謝你!》聯展
to Aug 27

Extended! Group Exhibition: Goodbye Kai Tak and Thank You 《再見啟德,謝謝你!》聯展

  • Blue Lotus Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The closure of Hong Kong's iconic Kai Tak Airport in 1998 was a significant moment in the city's history. To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the airport's closure, Blue Lotus Gallery is pleased to announce a special upcoming exhibition "Goodbye Kai Tak and Thank You”. Featuring photographs by Canadian photographer Greg Girard and Hong Kong photojournalist Birdy Chu, the exhibition offers a unique perspective on the airport's history and legacy.

香港標誌性的啟德機場,於1998年完成其歷史任務,正式關閉,亦刻劃了香港歷史上的重要時刻。為紀念告別啟德機場廿五載, Blue Lotus Gallery 榮幸呈獻全新聯合攝影展《再見啟德,謝謝你》。展覽將展出加拿大攝影師 格雷格·吉拉德(Greg Girard)和香港攝影記者 朱迅(Birdy Chu)的攝影作品,為觀眾提供一個獨特的視角,闡述啟德機場的歷史和文化遺產。

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Book signing 'The Labyrinth' with Christopher Button @ Photo London
1:00 PM13:00

Book signing 'The Labyrinth' with Christopher Button @ Photo London

‘The Labyrinth’, exhibited in the summer of 2021 at Blue Lotus Gallery, is finally released as a publication with all the supports by pre-ordering on Kickstarter! This series by rising photographer Christopher Button captures his many late nights spent in the underground stations of Hong Kong, transforming some of the city’s most crowded locations into a quiet, dystopian world. His medium format analogue shots presents Hong Kong’s underground with great suspense reminiscent of Kubrick’s cinema.

Christopher Button will be present @ Photo London to sign his photo-book 'The Labyrinth'!

於 2021 年夏季在 Blue Lotus Gallery 展出的 《迷宮》系列,成功於 Kickstarter 集資出版成攝影集!感謝各界的所有支持!新晉攝影師 Christopher Button 拍攝的這個系列,捕捉了他在香港地鐵站度過的多個深夜,將這座城市最擁擠的空間轉化成了一個安靜的反烏托邦世界。他的中畫幅相機鏡頭展現出香港茫茫無際的地下空間,讓人聯想到 Stanley Kubrick 的電影。

Christopher Button 將出席 Photo London 並為他的全新攝影集《迷宮》簽名!

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Book signing with Yasuhiro Ogawa @ Photo London
1:00 PM13:00

Book signing with Yasuhiro Ogawa @ Photo London

‘The Dreaming’ by Yasuhiro Ogawa, was first published in 2020 comprising a collection of black and white photographs, shot during his travels throughout Asia over the past 30 years. Ogawa visited China (including Tibet), Myanmar, India, Cambodia and Latin America. For the artist, revisiting his negatives during timed of lockdowns and restricted travel, felt like reliving an old dream indeed.

'The Dreaming' (current third edition published by Sokyusha/ Blue Lotus Editions) topped the charts as bestseller#1 in the online book selling platform UK ‘Photobook Store UK’ in 2020.

Yasuhiro Ogawa will be present @ Photo London to sign his photo-book 'The Dreaming'!

《The Dreaming》-日本攝影師 小川康博 的攝影系列及同名攝影集,於2020年2月首次發布。書中展示出 小川 過去30年遊遍亞洲的旅途中所拍攝的黑白作品,包括中國、緬甸、印度、柬埔寨及其他亞洲國家。對於這位藝術家而言,重新審視自己的底片,感覺就彷似重溫一場舊夢。

於2020年,《The Dreaming》於600多本攝影書籍當中,脫穎而出登上了英國知名 Photobookstore 的暢銷書榜第一位。終於,大家發掘到這一顆滄海遺珠。目前最新推出的第三刷,由 蒼穹舎 及 Blue Lotus Editions 聯合出版。

小川康博 將出席 Photo London 並為他的攝影集《The Dreaming》簽名!

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Photo London 2023
to May 14

Photo London 2023

Come visit us as booth F11 where we will be featuring Fan Ho and Yasuhiro Ogawa.

The eighth edition of Photo London will take place at Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 1LA, between 11–14 May 2023, with a Preview Day on 10 May. With its widest ever global reach and a vibrant Public Programme, this year’s Fair will showcase the very best in past, present and future photography and offer visitors the opportunity to marvel at, explore and acquire some of the finest photographic works.

歡迎蒞臨我們於 Photo London F11的展位,屆時我們將帶來 何藩 和 小川康博 的作品。

Photo London 每年都會將最優秀的國際攝影作品帶到英國首都,展示出最好的歷史性作品及不同攝影原作,同時也帶來多種攝影的新視野。憑藉有史以來最廣泛的全球影響力和充滿活力的公共項目,今年的 Photo London 將展示過去、現在和未來的最佳攝影作品,並為參觀者提供探索和收藏極高質素攝影作品的機會。

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Blue Lotus @ Tai Kwun Contemporary's BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair 2023
to May 1

Blue Lotus @ Tai Kwun Contemporary's BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair 2023

We are pleased to invite you to attend the Tai Kwun Contemporary's BOOKED: Hong Kong Art Book Fair 2023! To celebrate the first time of our publishing house - Blue Lotus Edition to join a book fair, with two of our publications: 'The Labyrinth 迷宮' by Christopher Button and '36 Views Of Lion Rock 獅子山三十六景' by Romain Jacquet-Lagréze.

我們誠邀大家蒞臨參與 大館當代美術館「BOOKED: 香港藝術書展」,一同慶祝我們的出版社 - Blue Lotus Edition 首次參加書展的大日子!並於現場觀看由我們出版的兩本攝影集:Christopher Button 的《 迷宮》和 Romain Jacquet-Lagréze 的《獅子山三十六景》。

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Book Launch & Signing: 'The Labyrinth' by Christopher Button
5:00 PM17:00

Book Launch & Signing: 'The Labyrinth' by Christopher Button

‘The Labyrinth’, exhibited in the summer of 2021 at Blue Lotus Gallery, is finally released as a publication with all the supports by pre-ordering on Kickstarter! This series by rising photographer Christopher Button captures his many late nights spent in the underground stations of Hong Kong, transforming some of the city’s most crowded locations into a quiet, dystopian world. His medium format analogue shots presents Hong Kong’s underground with great suspense reminiscent of Kubrick’s cinema.

Come meet the photographer at Blue Lotus Gallery and get your copy of ‘The Labyrinth’ signed!

於 2021 年夏季在 Blue Lotus Gallery 展出的 《迷宮》系列,成功於 Kickstarter 集資出版成攝影集!感謝各界的所有支持!新晉攝影師 Christopher Button 拍攝的這個系列,捕捉了他在香港地鐵站度過的多個深夜,將這座城市最擁擠的空間轉化成了一個安靜的反烏托邦世界。他的中畫幅相機鏡頭展現出香港茫茫無際的地下空間,讓人聯想到 Stanley Kubrick 的電影。

歡迎大家於 4 月26日 星期三 下午5至8時蒞臨 Blue Lotus Gallery 參加 《迷宮》攝影集的發布會及簽書活動!

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Workshop: Picture | Sequence | Photobook 《影像.序列.攝影集》工作坊
10:00 AM10:00

Workshop: Picture | Sequence | Photobook 《影像.序列.攝影集》工作坊

A workshop for serious photographers and photo editors who want to take the step from their own world of images to developing a sequence and building their own photo book. In a combination of lectures and practical work, which build on each other, the personal and unique vision of each work is conceived and developed step by step in this compact 5-day workshop together with the photo book experts Thomas Gust and the book designer Ana Druga.

本工作坊專為所有攝影創作者而設計,帶領大家從自己的影像世界邁出一步,了解如何尋找影像間的序列,並從中構建出專屬自己的攝影集。我們從德國邀來攝影集專家 Thomas Gust 和書籍設計師 Ana Druga,為大家準備為期 5 天的工作坊,將理論與實踐結合,由零開始引領各位逐步構思及發展出每本獨一無二的個人攝影集。

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Free Book Talk on Michael Wolf’s Photo-books with Buchkunst Berlin
11:00 AM11:00

Free Book Talk on Michael Wolf’s Photo-books with Buchkunst Berlin

Join us on 1 April to meet the people behind the German publisher Buchkunst Berlin: Thomas Gust and Ana Druga. They will share their experience with creating some of the most iconic photo-books by Michael Wolf, including ‘Tokyo Compression’,‘Cheung Chau Sunrises’ and ‘HK Lost Laundry’.

誠邀大家於本週六參與一場免費的分享會! 柏林出版社 Buchkunst 的 Ana Druga 和 Thomas Gust 將會為大家分享創作及出版 Michael Wolf 的攝影書《Tokyo Compression》、《Cheung Chau Sunrises》和《HK Lost Laundry》的經驗及背後故事。

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Group Exhibition: The Streets of Hong Kong
to Apr 16

Group Exhibition: The Streets of Hong Kong

  • Blue Lotus Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This exhibition opens with an experimental take on street photography by Fan Ho, as well as Hong Kong’s iconic neon signs as captured by Keith Macgregor, black and white harbour shot in 1980 by Robin Moyer and the 80s busy day scenes by Greg Girard. More recent approaches include the midnight Kowloon side by KC Kwan, documentary post-war post-war modern architecture by Walter Koditek, 'City Poetry' series composed by Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, a contemporary stylistic approach by young photographer Jason Au, and Michael Kistler’s seductive deep hue scenes of today’s Hong Kong.

展覽將由 何藩 於50至60年代的實驗性街頭攝影作品展開,配上由 Keith Macgregor 紀錄的標誌性霓虹燈影像、Robin Moyer 的 1980 年黑白作品以及 Greg Girard 拍攝的80年代民生片段作伴;稍移玉步你會看到 Walter Koditek 對於香港戰後建築物的紀錄,你亦可以閱讀由 Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze 的鏡頭寫下這座城市的詩語,及後觀賞 KC Kwan 捕捉的九龍黑夜、新晉藝術家 Jason Au 的當代街拍以及 Michael Kistler 色彩斑斕的場景,跟我們一起完成這趟以街頭為題的旅程。

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Artist Talk with Walter Koditek
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk with Walter Koditek

Come meet Walter Koditek! The author of ‘Hong Kong Modern Architecture of the 1950s - 1970s’, on the first day of his same title Solo Exhibition at Blue Lotus Gallery! He will share his experiences of combining photography and research to create a comprehensive overview of architectural design during that transformative period.

歡迎你於1月14日來參與《1950-1970年代香港現代建築》作者 -Walter Koditek 於畫廊舉行的分享會,屆時他將會分享如何結合攝影、詳細背景資料和學術論文,去概述香港於五十至七十年代的轉型時期的建築。

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Exhibition: Hong Kong Modern Architecture 《香港摩登》| Walter Koditek
to Feb 26

Exhibition: Hong Kong Modern Architecture 《香港摩登》| Walter Koditek

The exhibition “Hong Kong Modern Architecture of the 1950s-1970s” is a thematic exploration of post-war modern architecture based on Walter Koditek’s book of the same title at Blue Lotus Gallery. By combining photography and research, Koditek creates a comprehensive overview of architectural design during that transformative period.

我們誠邀大家參加《香港摩登:一九五零至七零年代建築》展覽,本展覽根據由城市規劃師、作家及攝影師 Walter Koditek 的同名著作所策劃,全方位結合攝影、詳細背景資料和學術論文,概述了香港於五十至七十年代的轉型時期的建築。

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 'The Dreaming' Book Signing by author Yasuhiro Ogawa
3:00 PM15:00

'The Dreaming' Book Signing by author Yasuhiro Ogawa

Join us on this coming Thursday 22 Dec 2022 to meet the artist - Yasuhiro Ogawa in person at 3pm - 8pm at the gallery! Ogawa will be present and sign his photo-book - 'The Dreaming’ , which lately re-published with Blue Lotus Editions together for the Third edition!

我們誠邀你於12 月 22 日星期四,下午 3 點至晚上 8 點到畫廊與藝術家 小川康博 會面! 小川 將會在場並簽署他最近與 Blue Lotus Editions 一同再版的攝影集《The Dreaming》第三刷!

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Blue Lotus x Perfume Trees Gin 'Pale Ink' Tasting 白蘭樹下'淡墨'試酒會
6:00 PM18:00

Blue Lotus x Perfume Trees Gin 'Pale Ink' Tasting 白蘭樹下'淡墨'試酒會

Welcome to visit us on 15 Dec 2022 night and tastes the Fan Ho limited edition coffee liqueur ‘Pale Ink’ crafted by Perfume Trees Gin and visit the Fan Ho exhibition ‘Photography. My Passion. My Life.
‘ at the gallery!

歡迎於12月15日晚來到Blue Lotus Gallery,一邊享受由 白蘭樹下 推出的「淡墨 x 何藩先生光影作品限量版」威士忌桶陳無糖咖啡甜酒,一邊欣賞我們畫廊正在展出的何藩展覽《感情‧感悟‧感覺》!

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Artist Talk With Ian Lambot
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk With Ian Lambot

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with Ian Lambot on 27 November, where he will share his experiences of documenting Kowloon Walled City, and the history behind the most densely populated neighbourhoods in the world.

不要錯過11月27日舉行的 Ian Lambot 分享會,屆時他將會分享更多關於九龍城寨的故事,以及這個人口最稠密的小區背後的歷史。

Artist Talk with Ian Lambot
Sunday 27th Nov 2022, 11am
Venue: Blue Lotus Gallery, 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
++ Free Event, RSVP required, Conducted in English

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Exhibition: Photography. My Passion. My Life.
《感情‧感悟‧感覺》| Fan Ho 何藩
to Dec 18

Exhibition: Photography. My Passion. My Life.
《感情‧感悟‧感覺》| Fan Ho 何藩

  • Blue Lotus Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fan Ho’s new exhibition plus his latest publication “Photography. My Passion. My Life.”, bundling the best of his work, intertwining his internationally renowned works with those that have yet to be released. The book contains an essay “My Quest”, written by Fan Ho himself in the 70’s, explaining his own practice and his stylistic journey as he was influenced by different movements in photography occurring at that time. Through his essay, we learn about his interpretations of aesthetics, poetics, philosophy and synergy, as seen in his photographs.

As per the Fan Ho family, “Fan Ho will always have a special place in our hearts, and we feel closer to him through the lasting legacy of his work. We know we will continue to discover something refreshing every time we look at his unforgettable images, be they portrayals of a bygone era or of the endurance of the human spirit.”

輯錄何藩攝影佳作的新展覽及同名新書 — 《感情‧感悟‧感覺》,當中的第一篇文章:《我的嘗試》,由何藩編寫自己對攝影和美感的追求,也記錄了這位攝影師揉合不同攝影風格的經歷。透過何藩的文字讀者能理解他對於美學,詩學,哲學之間協調的定義。如同何藩家人所述:「何藩是永遠在我們內心深處,透過他遺下來的作品,會感覺和他的距離拉得更近。每一次我們注視他那令人難以忘懷的作品,總有不同的體驗,無論是他鏡頭下那逝去的時代、 還是恆久不變的人情味。」

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