The Labyrinth 迷宮
A solo exhibition by Christopher Button
The Labyrinth #04, Hong Kong 2021, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
Exhibition dates: 10 September – 10 October 2021
Preview: Thursday 9 September, 4–8 pm
展覽日期: 2021年9月10日-10月10日
開幕日期: 星期四 9月9日, 下午4-8時
Venue: Blue Lotus Gallery, G/F 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Opening hours: Wed–Sun, 11am–6pm , closed on public holidays
地點: Blue Lotus Gallery, 香港上環磅巷28號地下
開放時間: 星期三至日, 上午11時-下午6時 (公眾假期休息)
Related events:
Live Artist Talk with Christopher Button
Saturday 11 September 2021 @11am at Blue Lotus Gallery (in collaboration with Central West)
The Labyrinth #15, Hong Kong 2021, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
About the exhibition:
‘The Labyrinth’, with a book soon to be published under the same title, is a series captured by rising photographer Christopher Button on his many late-nights spent in the underground stations of Hong Kong, where he transforms some of the city’s most crowded locations into a quiet, dystopian world. Shooting with analogue in an age dominated by digital media, he presents a horror film reminiscent of Kubrick’s cinema that is perhaps relatable to those who also feel trapped during these times of uncertainty.
《迷宮》為新晉攝影師 Christopher Button 多次於傍晚到訪地下鐵路站所拍下的系列,他將白天總是熙來攘往的一帶轉化成一個寂靜、反烏托邦的世界。當今一切都似乎被數碼化,唯獨 Christopher 仍熱衷於菲林攝影,其作品集結起來仿如一齣驚悚片,流露一絲絲名導演 Stanley Kubrick 的影像風格,而照片所湧現的無力感,或許能反映同樣處於未知境地的大家。另外,同名攝影書亦會於展覽期間出售。
The Labyrinth #26, Hong Kong 2021 (Left), The Labyrinth #27, Hong Kong 2021 (Right), Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
About the Artist:
Christopher Button is an artist and photographer, living and working in Hong Kong. His inspirations are drawn from the city and cinema, particularly the films of Lynch, Kubrick and Tarkovsky. His quiet yet cinematic images look to explore the inner life of his subjects, gently unraveling the confines which surround us all, exposing venerability in darkness and beauty.
His first solo exhibition Some Dream (2016, Ethos Gallery, HK) combined photographs of people in moments of contemplation and introspection with details and accents of the city in which they live. This combination of inward thought and outward, abstract reflection has a haunting, dream like quality. Using predominantly analogue cameras and 35mm film, Christopher’s images glisten with colour and light.
Christopher was also part of a group show at ‘HK:ID’ (Light Stage Gallery, HK) during Art Basel week. His work was shown alongside iconic Hong Kong street photographer Fan Ho and a number of international Artists. In 2017, he was commissioned by the British Council to take 5 photos to be presented for the Queens Birthday Celebrations at the Asia Society. Christoper Button is now exclusively represented by Blue Lotus Gallery.
Christopher Button 是一位在香港生活的藝術家和攝影師,其靈感來自繁華鬧市以及 David Lynch、Stanley Kubrick 和 Andrei Tarkovsky 的電影世界,作品探索萬物的內心生活,並帶有濃厚的電影感,嘗試用温柔剝開世界給我們的限制和枷鎖,讓我們在漆黑中瞧見美態。
他首個個展 《Some Dream》(2016, Ethos Gallery, 香港) 中的作品,將人們沉思的畫面與城市中的細節集結,探索內在思想和外在反省的相互結合,營造令人不寒而慄又如夢的氛圍。他熱衷於菲林攝影,作品呈現豐富的色彩和光線運用。
他曾參與 Light Stage Gallery 於巴塞爾藝術展的展覧《HK:ID》,其作品與香港街頭攝影大師何藩和多位國際攝影師一同列出。2017年,他受英國文化協會委託,拍下5幅作品,並於亞洲協會舉行的英女王生日慶典中展出。此外,他曾將130幅作品出售予灣仔芬名酒店,作客房展示品。