Photo-Book: The Living Theatre 人生舞台 | Fan Ho 何藩

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© Fan Ho_Back To Mother, Hong Kong 1955 (courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery).jpg
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Photo-Book: The Living Theatre 人生舞台 | Fan Ho 何藩

Sale Price:HK$650.00 Original Price:HK$690.00

Published by Modernbook Editions USA , 2021

Fourth Edition

24.13x 27.94 cm

Cloth-bound hard cover

176 pages, 150 duo-tone plates

English and Chinese

ISBN-13: 978-0980104431

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The 2nd book: ‘The Living Theatre’ by Fan Ho continues the story Mr. Ho began in his first book, ‘Hong Kong Yesterday’. Focusing on the people of Hong Kong in the 1950s and 1960s this book takes a closer look at his beloved city.  This is a unique series of images with no image duplication between the other two books, ‘Hong Kong Yesterday’ and ‘Fan Ho: Hong Kong Memoir’.

Fan Ho, nicknamed ‘the great master’ earned his fame as one of Asia’s most beloved street photographers capturing Hong Kong in the 50’s and 60’s. He was born in Shanghai in 1937; immigrated to Hong Kong as a child in 1949. His photographic career started at the early age of 14 when given his first Kodak Brownie for his birthday from his father. Within the first year, he won his first award. Fan Ho passed away in 2016.

第二部曲《人生舞台》延續了何藩先生於首部著作《香港追憶》的故事。 本書聚焦五、六十年代的香港人民日常,進一步深入了解他最深愛的城市。 獨特的影像記錄了逝去光陰中的各種場景及肖像,與另外兩本著作《香港追憶》和《香港‧往日情懷》所收錄的作品各有不同,當中未有重複。

何藩在攝影界有「一代宗師」之名,更被譽為「東方布列松」。1931 年出生於上海,自14歲生日時獲父親所贈 Rolleiflex 雙鏡頭相機開始,便與攝影結下不解之緣,更在第一年便獲得首個獎項。其後他於1949 年移居香港繼續追尋攝影夢,於2016年去世。