RARE Set of Prints: Ian Lambot | Kowloon Walled City

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RARE Set of Prints: Ian Lambot | Kowloon Walled City


Limited Edition Box Set of 50 containing 8 photographs by Ian Lambot from “City of Darkness Revisited.” Each photograph is an 8” x 10” archival pigment print of Kowloon Walled City

Only 2 available
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After several failed attempts, Kowloon Walled City has finally demolished 20 years ago, leaving behind a legacy of fascination that continues to grow, fuelled in part by the extraordinary communities of many urban legends. Designed and edited by Greg Girard and Ian Lambot, the team behind the City of Darkness: Life in Kowloon Walled City, this new publication questions those myths and explores the reality behind the Walled Citys extraordinary architecture and development. Through photographs, drawings, and documents, many previously unpublished, plus an extended article by Hong Kong-based writer and journalist Fionnuala McHugh, the full story is revealed.

Ian Lambot 的《黑暗之城》系列限量 50 套珍藏級印刷品,包含精選的八張,每張 8 英寸 x 10 英寸的九龍城寨作品。

九龍城寨經過多次失敗的嘗試後,終於被清拆將近 30 年,留下了永垂不朽的美譽,因為它展示出一個現代主義中建構出的反烏托邦空間,混合了污穢、黑暗、隨意的混凝土、過度擁擠的空間,孕育出一種令人不安卻又無法抵擋的佳釀;這種佳釀經常出現於電影、電子遊戲或作為在書中被引述的內容,喚醒大家只有城寨才能創造的東西是甚麼。攝影集《黑暗之城》由 Greg Girard(格雷格‧吉拉德)和 Ian Lambot(林保賢)攜手拍攝、設計和編輯,探討了城寨非凡的建築及發展背後的歷史。通過許多以前未曾發表過的照片、圖紙和文件,再加上香港作家兼記者 Fionnuala McHugh 的延伸文章,讓讀者能夠看到完整的故事。