NEW: Photo-Book: Watch with Wonder | Palani Mohan

WAWIWO cover.jpeg
Palani Mohan, An old pine tree at the farm we once had. Stanthorpe, Australia 2022, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, A horse’s mane blows in cold winds. Northwest Mongolia 2012, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, A tusker emerges one morning at our camp site. Nepal 2008, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, The Star Ferry in a black rain storm. Hong Kong 2017 P120, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, The Star Ferry in a black rain storm. Hong Kong 2017 P121, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, White-bellied drongos flock over an old wooden boat in the Ganges. Varanasi P27, India 2005, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, The Star Ferry seen through a salt-crusted window after a storm in Victoria Harbour P15. Hong Kong 2012, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, The celebration of Holi at Banke Bihari Temple. Vrindavan P66-67, India 2008–2011, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
WAWIWO cover.jpeg
Palani Mohan, An old pine tree at the farm we once had. Stanthorpe, Australia 2022, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, A horse’s mane blows in cold winds. Northwest Mongolia 2012, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, A tusker emerges one morning at our camp site. Nepal 2008, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, The Star Ferry in a black rain storm. Hong Kong 2017 P120, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, The Star Ferry in a black rain storm. Hong Kong 2017 P121, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, White-bellied drongos flock over an old wooden boat in the Ganges. Varanasi P27, India 2005, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, The Star Ferry seen through a salt-crusted window after a storm in Victoria Harbour P15. Hong Kong 2012, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg
Palani Mohan, The celebration of Holi at Banke Bihari Temple. Vrindavan P66-67, India 2008–2011, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery.jpeg

NEW: Photo-Book: Watch with Wonder | Palani Mohan


Published by Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2023

First Edition

Size: 28.5 x 20.5 x 2 cm


English and Chinese

ISBN 978-988-8842-82-7

Text: Pico Iyer and Christopher Kremmer

Printed and bound by Asia One Communications Group, Hong Kong, China

Sequence: Ana Druga, Thomas Gust, Buchkunst Berlin

Design: Eyee Communications ( Wan wai-nang )

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A photographic journey into silence, stillness and space

THE UNRELENTING SPEED of life has been blamed for many modern conditions and ailments, from shortened attention spans and our accelerating disconnect from the natural world to the global rise in mental health issues.

With the imminent arrival of his thought-provoking new book published by Hong Kong University Press, photographer Palani Mohan asks the viewer to slow down, to take a step or two backwards and to look at the world with more innocent eyes.

In short, Mohan invites the reader to Watch with Wonder — and to witness the inherent beauty, the majesty and the transcendent in the everyday.

“This book of images is a personal look at places of silence, stillness and space where I have found peace and meaning,” the photographer writes in the book’s introduction. “It is a search for the magic and the miracle that lie within the smallest things that surround us.”



由 香港大學出版社 出版的攝影集-WATCH WITH WONDER ,作者 Palani 邀請讀者一同放慢腳步,甚至往後退一兩步,以更純粹的角度去慢慢的觀看世界。

當翻閱攝影集時,您會發現自己陶醉於宏偉的巴黎羅浮宮博物館、探索柬埔寨令人驚嘆的吳哥窟、穿越阿拉伯半島荒涼的荒野、參加巴布亞新幾內亞的部落聚會…… 並沉思於克什米爾的達爾湖、澳大利亞的荒野、印度北部彷如月球般的拉達克地區;甚至於香港的水域中,亦感受出那永恆且超自然的異境之美。

「這本攝影集是我對寂靜之地和靜謐空間的探索,我在當中找到安寧和意義。這是我對周遭微小事物中所蘊含的魔力和奇蹟的尋覓。像這樣的時刻,彷彿呼喚著我們緩下腳步,仔細觀察。」Palani 分享道。

同名展覽於 2023年11月17日 至 12月10日 在 Blue Lotus Gallery 舉辦。Palani 從世界各個角落拍攝的迷人黑白照片,編織出關於他令人驚嘆的旅行的詩意敘事。

About the author:

Born in India, raised in Australia, Palani Mohan is an esteemed photographer with a career spanning over three decades of editorial, corporate and fine-art photography, Palani Mohan has contributed to many of the world’s leading publications, from Time magazine and the New York Times to National Geographic.

'Watch with Wonder' is his latest body of work, showcasing his profound ability to capture the essence of fleeting moments through the medium of black and white photography.

Currently based in Hong Kong, Palani is an enthusiastic and popular figure on the international speaking circuit, offering insights into his work and experiences through TedX and the Asia Society in Hong Kong and New York, among others.


Palani Mohan 是一位擁有三十多年的職業生涯的攝影師。他出生於印度,在澳洲長大,目前定居香港,他的作品贏得了國際讚譽。 他以不同攝影系列探討了旅行、文化以及人類與自然世界的連結。 《Watch with Wonder》是他的最新作品系列,展現了他透過黑白攝影捕捉轉瞬即逝的瞬間本質。


Other publications by Palani Mohan:

SUMMER SALE! Book: Vivid Hong Kong | Palani Mohan
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