Portfolio and Project Review

Portfolio and Project Review


Photography has become incredibly accessible: Thanks to advanced digital cameras and smartphones, it’s become a lot easier to take a good photo. Because of that, it’s become more important than ever to contextualize your shots. What matters most today is how the images work together. As per Martin Parr: ‘the sum, by definition, is greater than the part’. Reviewing your portfolio means considering all of your work together both to see how it is perceived and how it is put together in the first place.

Wish to have your work reviewed? At Blue Lotus Gallery we offer a ways of doing such.

  1. Throw it in the group… About once a month a small group of photographers, editors and other photography related professionals come together to look and discuss 3-4 projects. Want to show yours? Please contact Sarah Greene on sarah@bluelotus-gallery.com to be invited to our next session (Free of charge)

  2. Convinced your work is ready as it is to show at the gallery? Than please send us a pdf file or a link to your website with at least one project, describing the project, artist bio, cv etc...If we feel your work indeed has potential to show at Blue Lotus, we will invite you for a free conversation. 

  3. Prefer a more private approach?… Book a private consultation to review your work by Sarah Greene, director of Blue Lotus Gallery & Editions on sarah@bluelotus-gallery.com. Consultation fee is HK$1200 for 90 mins (on appointment). During the session, other topics such as licensing, gallery representation, publishing in general and how that might work for you can be discussed as you wish. Please contact Sarah Greene on sarah@bluelotus-gallery.com to make an appointment or book any of the slots here below.

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