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'Watch With Wonder', a book launch and solo exhibition by Palani Mohan

  • Blue Lotus Gallery 28 Pound Lane Tai Ping Shan, Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong (map)

Exhibition Dates: 17 November - 31 December, 2023 Extended!

Venue:                Blue Lotus Gallery, G/F, 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong

Opening Hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 11am – 6pm, closed on Mondays and Public Holidays 

Related Events: Talk with Palani Mohan: Saturday 25 November 2023, 11am

Press Contact: | t/whatsapp: +852 5590 3229

Renowned photographer Palani Mohan invites you to embark on a mesmerising journey through his latest photo book and exhibition, titled 'Watch with Wonder.' The exhibition will be held at Blue Lotus Gallery from November 17th to December 31st, 2023. Palani Mohan's captivating black and white images, taken from various corners of the world, weave together a poetic narrative of his awe-inspiring travels.

Palani Mohan shares his perspective on the collection, stating, "This book of images is a personal look at places of silence, stillness, and space where I have found peace and meaning. It is a search for the magic and the miracle that lie within the smallest things that surround us. Such moments are just waiting for us to pull at the reins, stop, and take notice.”

Born in India, raised in Australia, and currently based in Hong Kong, Palani Mohan credits travel as a crucial element in his three-decade-plus career. The newly released book: ’Watch with Wonder’, published by Hong Kong University Press, features 107 duotone images, each capturing evocative moments of hushed revelation, spread across the book's 140 pages. Prepare to embark on a captivating yet calming journey across our planet.

As you turn the pages, you will find yourself immersed in the magnificent Louvre Museum in Paris, exploring Cambodia's awe-inspiring Angkor Wat, traversing the desolate wilderness of the Arabian Peninsula's Empty Quarter, joining tribal gatherings in Papua New Guinea, and contemplating the timeless, preternatural otherness of Kashmir's Dal Lake, the Australian Outback, northern India's lunar-like Ladakh region and even Hong Kong’s waters.

The exhibition at Blue Lotus Gallery will show a selection of prints as seen in the book.

In the words of Sarah Greene, "Happiness might not be the bright white light at the end of the tunnel one reaches after an enduring journey. Happiness perhaps is more like little fragile snowflakes… A scattered downfall of little joyful moments. Palani takes us to extraordinary places but even closer to home one can find magic, it simply takes us to slow down and watch those snowflakes gently fall on our nose and see them melt." Palani Mohan's project encapsulates this sentiment perfectly, urging us to take the time to observe and appreciate these fleeting moments, immortalized in his black and white stills.

Join us at the Blue Lotus Gallery from November 17th to December 31st, 2023, and allow Palani Mohan's masterful compositions to transport you to a realm where time stands still, and the beauty of the world unfolds through each delicate frame. 'Watch with Wonder' is an exhibition that will stir your senses and leave you with a renewed appreciation for the extraordinary found within the ordinary.

About Palani Mohan:

Palani Mohan is an esteemed photographer with a career spanning over three decades. Born in India, raised in Australia, and currently based in Hong Kong, Mohan's work has garnered international acclaim. His photographic projects explore themes of travel, culture, and the human connection to the natural world. 'Watch with Wonder' is his latest body of work, showcasing his profound ability to capture the essence of fleeting moments through the medium of black and white photography.

About Blue Lotus Gallery:

Blue Lotus Gallery, established in 2007 by Sarah Greene, is Hong Kong’s leading photography gallery with a strong focus on exploring Hong Kong culture and identity. The gallery offers an exquisite selection of books, limited edition and vintage prints by respected master photographers and emerging contemporary artists. Blue Lotus represents Fan Ho and his estate exclusively worldwide. The gallery has also been instrumental to debuting artist's careers such as Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze and Tugo Cheng, whom the gallery represents exclusively for the area of Hong Kong. The gallery is located in a quaint and quiet historical pocket on 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong.

《Watch with Wonder》
Palani Mohan 攝影書發布及展覽


地點:香港上環磅巷28號 Blue Lotus Gallery


Palani Mohan 藝術家講座: 星期六 2023年11月25日, 上午11時

著名攝影師 Palani Mohan 透過他最新出版的攝影集及同名展覽《Watch with Wonder》邀請您踏上一場迷人的旅程。展覽將於 2023年11月17日至12月31日 在 Blue Lotus Gallery 舉行,屆時將展出Palani 捕捉世界各地壯麗景色的黑白攝影作品,以影像編織成詩,令人嘆為觀止。

「這本攝影集是我對寂靜之地和靜謐空間的探索,我在當中找到安寧和意義。這是我對周遭微小事物中所蘊含的魔力和奇蹟的尋覓。像這樣的時刻,彷彿呼喚著我們緩下腳步,仔細觀察。」Palani 分享道。

目前定居香港的 Palani 於印度出生,並成長於澳洲。他認為旅行是其三十多年攝影生涯中至關重要的一部分。全新推出的攝影集《Watch with Wonder》由 香港大學出版社 出版,一共 140 頁,收錄了 107 張雙色調影像,每一張都捕捉到令人回味的靜謐時刻。

當您翻閱攝影集時,您會發現自己陶醉於宏偉的巴黎羅浮宮博物館、探索柬埔寨令人驚嘆的吳哥窟、穿越阿拉伯半島荒涼的荒野、參加巴布亞新幾內亞的部落聚會…… 並沉思於克什米爾的達爾湖、澳大利亞的荒野、印度北部彷如月球般的拉達克地區;甚至於香港的水域中,亦感受出那永恆且超自然的異境之美。《Watch with Wonder》展覽將展示攝影集的精選印刷作品,讓您更深入地欣賞 Palani 的黑白美學。

Blue Lotus Gallery 創辦人 Sarah Greene 表示:「快樂或許不是一個人在經歷一段艱辛旅程後抵達隧道盡頭那道明亮的白光,快樂或許比較像是一片脆弱的雪花……一些零星散落的喜悅時刻。Palani 將帶領我們到訪非凡的地方,即使是接近我們稱之為家的地方,仍尋找到從所未見的魔力;我們只需要放慢腳步,細看那些輕輕飄落在我們的鼻尖上的雪花,欣賞它們融化。」 Palani Mohan的系列完美地捕捉了這種情感,並敦促我們花時間觀賞這些瞬息萬變的時刻,而這些瞬間永恆地存活於他的黑白作品中。

誠邀您親臨我們的畫廊,讓 Palani Mohan 的作品帶領您進入一個時間靜止的境界,透過每一幀精緻的畫面展現出世界之美。 《Watch with Wonder》展覽將激發您的感官,讓您重新鑑賞平凡中的非凡之處。


Palani Mohan 是一位擁有三十多年的職業生涯的攝影師。他出生於印度,在澳洲長大,目前定居香港,他的作品贏得了國際讚譽。 他以不同攝影系列探討了旅行、文化以及人類與自然世界的連結。 《Watch with Wonder》是他的最新作品系列,展現了他透過黑白攝影捕捉轉瞬即逝的瞬間本質。

關於 Blue Lotus Gallery:

Blue Lotus Gallery 成立於 2007 年,是一家專注於探索香港文化及身份的攝影畫廊,致力搜羅多位備受尊敬的攝影大師和當代新銳藝術家的攝影集、限量印刷作品以及早期原作照片。我們是全球獨家代理何藩及其家屬的畫廊。多年來,本畫廊為多位藝術家如 Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze 、Tugo Cheng 及 Stefan Irvine 的創作生涯發揮起重要作用,同時亦作為他們於香港地區的獨家代理。我們位於香港上環磅巷28號,一個古樸而寧靜的歷史小區。

Earlier Event: November 4
Artist Talk by Andrew Eldon
Later Event: November 25
Artist Talk by Palani Mohan