Artist Talk with Palani Mohan
Saturday 25 November 2023, 11am at Blue Lotus Gallery
(free event, conducted in English)
Palani Mohan, A tusker emerges one morning at our camp site. Nepal 2008, Courtesy of Blue Lotus Gallery
Come meet the artist - Palani Mohan on Saturday 25 November, starting at 11:00am - 12:30pm. He will share more stories about his latest photo book and exhibition, titled 'Watch with Wonder.'
Palani Mohan is an esteemed photographer with a career spanning over three decades. Born in India, raised in Australia, and currently based in Hong Kong, Mohan's work has garnered international acclaim. His photographic projects explore themes of travel, culture, and the human connection to the natural world. 'Watch with Wonder' is his latest body of work, showcasing his profound ability to capture the essence of fleeting moments through the medium of black and white photography.
“This book of images is a personal look at places of silence, stillness, and space where I have found peace and meaning. It is a search for the magic and the miracle that lie within the smallest things that surround us. Such moments are just waiting for us to pull at the reins, stop, and take notice.”
Artist Talk by Palani Mohan: Saturday 25 November, 11:00-12:30
Exhibition Dates: 17 November - 10 December, 2023
Venue: Blue Lotus Gallery, G/F, 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Opening Hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 11am – 6pm, closed on Mondays and Public Holidays
歡迎你於11月25日來參與《Watch with Wonder》攝影集作者-Palani Mohan 於畫廊舉行的分享會,屆時他將會分享更多關於他這本最新出版的攝影集及同名展覽的故事。
Palani Mohan 是一位擁有三十多年的職業生涯的攝影師。他出生於印度,在澳洲長大,目前定居香港,他的作品贏得了國際讚譽。 他以不同攝影系列探討了旅行、文化以及人類與自然世界的連結。 《Watch with Wonder》是他的最新作品系列,展現了他透過黑白攝影捕捉轉瞬即逝的瞬間本質。
Palani Mohan 藝術家講座 - 星期六 2023年11月25日, 上午11時至12時半
地點:香港上環磅巷28號 Blue Lotus Gallery
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