'Abandoned Villages of Hong Kong' 《瓦落叢生》 Book Launch and Exhibition by Stefan Irvine
Discover the captivating allure of Hong Kong's forgotten villages in Stefan Irvine's solo exhibition, "Abandoned Villages of Hong Kong”, accompanied by a photo-book under the same title published by Blue Lotus Edition. Stefan's photography collection unveils the haunting beauty and hidden narratives of the city's isolated settlements, frozen in time. This documentary-style exhibition will be showcased at Blue Lotus Gallery from January 12th to February 25th, 2024, serving as a poignant reminder of life's fleeting nature and the enduring legacy of those who preceded us. Join us on this evocative journey to explore the vanishing corners of this vibrant city.
Stefan Irvine 的全新個人展覽,以及由 Blue Lotus Edition 出版的同名攝影集《瓦落叢生》,將展示這座城市那些被遺忘的角落,喚醒不同仿佛被時間凝固了一樣的廢墟故事。誠邀大家從 2024年1月12日至2月25日 期間蒞臨 Blue Lotu Gallery,一同來探索香港遺跡的魅力,並從中發現隱藏於郊外與島嶼當中的難忘絕景。