Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze
Romain Jacquet-Lagreze is a visionary artist whose work captures the essence of modern urban life with a poetic and emotive touch. His stunning photography is a testament to his keen eye for detail and his ability to find beauty in the most unlikely places.
Born in France and now based in Hong Kong, Romain has always been drawn to the energy and vibrancy of cities. His work explores the relationship between people and their urban environments, revealing the hidden beauty in the mundane and the overlooked. Romain's photographs often feature people in their everyday environments, highlighting the relationship between individuals and the spaces they inhabit. He captures the energy, emotion, and diversity of urban life through the people he photographs.
With a background in graphic design, Romain brings a unique perspective to his photography, using bold colors, striking compositions, and unexpected angles to create images that are both visually stunning and emotionally powerful. Through his photography, Romain seeks to inspire others to see the world around them with fresh eyes, to find wonder and beauty in the everyday, and to connect with the human experience in all its complexity and richness. His work is a celebration of life, love, and the power of art to bring us together and lift us up.
Thirty-six Views of Lion Rock
(exhibited at Blue Lotus Gallery, September–October 2022)
Romain Jacquet-Lagréze, ‘Thirty-six Views of Lion Rock’, Peculiar Proximity, Hong Kong 2021
“Thirty-six Views of Lion Rock” by Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze is the first photo-book published by Blue Lotus Editions, the newly established publication arm of Blue Lotus Gallery. The book will be the first in a series of visual stories on Hong Kong as curated by Sarah Greene. Along with an exhibition under the same title, the book will be launched together in September at Blue Lotus Gallery.
Lion Rock is not just any mountain, it’s Hong Kong’s most famous peak laden with symbolism and meanings that are evolving over time. Inspired by Hokusai’s important woodblock series “36 Views on Mount Fuji” which was created in 1830, Romain set out to capture Hong Kong’s famous peak in a similar yet contemporary fashion, in order to express the many faces of this legendary mountain top.
The Lion Rock is featured in each of the photos, some in a far distance obscured by high rise buildings, traffic or bustling markets. In other images, it is more prominent, far removed from the urban jungle, oozing peace and tranquility. Some photos are shot at the break of the day, others during the blue moment at dusk. In short, “Thirty-six Views of Lion Rock” reads like a letter to the mountain that Hongkongers know and love so well.
由 Blue Lotus Gallery 新成立的出版社 - Blue Lotus Editions 首度出版:Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze 全新系列《獅子山三十六景》攝影集,將會成為本畫廊創辦人 Sarah Greene 策劃的一系列「香港視覺故事」中的第一部曲。新書發布會暨同名攝影展覽將於九月在 Blue Lotus Gallery 舉行。
作為香港著名的山峰及地標,獅子山不僅僅是一座山,她其象徵主義及含意,隨著時代變遷而不斷演變。Romain 因受日本著名浮世繪畫家-葛飾北齋的木版畫系列《冨嶽三十六景》所啟發, 決定以類近但現代化的方式,去捕捉這座香港名山的三十六景,以影像娓娓道來這份傳奇的故事。
Romain Jacquet-Lagréze, ‘Thirty-six Views of Lion Rock’, Narrow Opening, Hong Kong 2020
Please contact us on if you wish to receive Romain’s catalogue.
City Poetry
(exhibited first at Blue Lotus Gallery, July 2019)
© Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, ‘Hong Kong Bound’ Hong Kong 2022
Chinese characters are an integral part of the visual street scene in Hong Kong. The characters are used extensively for signage, advertising, and decoration, and they play a significant role in shaping the city's visual identity. Chinese characters are used on storefronts, restaurants, and shops to identify the business and attract customers. The characters are often written in bold, colorful fonts, and they can be seen from a distance, making them an essential part of the city's bustling streetscape. Traditional Chinese characters are often used in decorative motifs, such as on temple walls and gates. These decorative elements not only add to the visual appeal of the city but also reflect Hong Kong's cultural heritage and traditions.
City Poetry - Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze '有新意 - Be Original' Hong Kong 2019,
City Poetry 城市詩意 is a personal and artistic endeavor by Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, which showcases his profound connection to Hong Kong and Cantonese culture. The project is a photographic exploration of the captivating street signs found in the bustling city, which the artist captures with a keen eye for visually striking compositions. Upon bringing these signs home, Jacquet-Lagrèze enlists the aid of his wife to translate their characters, leading to a deeper understanding of the language and culture of Hong Kong.
As the artist's collection of character photographs grows, his appreciation for the signs' unique beauty only grows stronger. The signs' markings, which bear witness to the passing of time, reveal layers of meaning beyond their informative and attractive qualities. The peeling paint, rusted metal, lost tiles, and broken neons all contribute to a poetic representation of time's passage that elevates the signs to works of art.
Jacquet-Lagrèze combines characters from different signs to create collages that form visual and linguistic poems. This artful practice not only showcases the beauty of the characters but also highlights the value of traditional Chinese calligraphy. The result is a collection of works that poetically captures the essence of Hong Kong's urban landscape and its spiritual significance.
In essence, City Poetry 城市詩意 is a masterful exploration of the captivating beauty and poetry of traditional Chinese characters as they shape Hong Kong's visual landscape.
《城市詩意》是Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze 最新的個人企劃,今輯攝影系列印證了這位法籍攝影師對於香港及其語言文化的熱愛再度昇華。Jacquet-Lagrèze以攝影紀錄街上各種充滿視覺 魅力的招牌,帶回家中讓太太協助翻譯,漸漸地,他學會解讀滿佈大街小巷的文字密碼。他儲下了大批這樣的文字照片,中文知識亦隨之加深。他更運用這些文字照片拼砌成有「詩意」的句子,巧妙地集合「視覺」與「語文」於一身。
展覽將展出約30件作品,包括他之前的其他系列如《石林獨秀》、《天台故事》、《香港印象》以及《藍色時分》。 展覽期間將舉辦藝術家座談會以及其他相關活動,同時亦將提供藝術家所出版的攝影集。
City Poetry 城市詩意 est à ce jour le projet le plus personnel de Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, un exercice photographique qui montre l’artiste approfondissant ses racines dans la culture Hong kongaise et cantonaise. Jacquet-Lagrèze s’est fixé la tâche de documenter des plaques de rue visuellement frappantes et de les ramener chez lui, où sa femme l’aide à les traduire, lui permettant de déchiffrer les signes qui ornent les rues de cette ville. À mesure que ses archives grandissaient, ses connaissances s’approfondissaient, formant des phrases avec des photographies de signes individuels, donnant naissance à des poèmes qui sont à la fois visuels et linguistiques.
"Ce qui rend des signes particuliers vraiment uniques, ce sont les marques qu'ils portent, témoins du temps qui passe: la peinture écaillée, le métal rouillé, les carreaux égarés ou les néons brisés. plus, quelque chose de plus profond. Les marques de décadence ajoutent une autre couche de sens aux signes: ce ne sont plus que des noms sur un mur, ils deviennent une poésie du temps. Associés au spirituel.” Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, 2019
"Les caractères chinois traditionnels sont l’une des langues historiques de l’homme encore en usage. Nous sommes très chanceux d’être entourés visuellement par ce texte ancien dans une ville aussi hyper-moderne. Les signes sont de véritables œuvres d'art, combinant les techniques de l'homme, du temps et des éléments. J'ai décidé de capturer cela avec mon appareil photo. En tant que fasciné par l’art de la calligraphie chinoise, j’ai eu l’idée de combiner différents signes afin de créer des poèmes, de donner un sens à des collages de signes photographiés à des endroits différents et réalisés avec différents matériaux.” Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, 2019
Cette exposition mettra en vedette environ 30 œuvres, y compris certaines de ses derniers projets, Wild Concrete, Concrete Stories and Blue Moment. Une discussion avec l’artiste aura lieu et d’autres évènements concernant l’exposition, ses livres seront également disponibles durant l’exposition.
City Poetry - Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze '百苦成材 - A Hundred Pains Forge Talent' Hong Kong 2018
By now made Romain JL created a collection of over 100 signs which are available as combined prints or fun tiles packed in a special box, please contact us to receive the complete catalogue on
Concrete Stories
(exhibited at Blue Lotus Gallery in 2014)
Romain JL, ‘Dusk Kiss’
Romain JL, ‘Concrete Gardener’
Romain JL, ‘Collecting New Year’s Dress’
“His latest series, called Concrete Stories, offers an entirely new perspective on the city’s urban life, capturing the way that space-squeezed residents utilize their building’s communal roofs. It’s both beautiful and mesmerizing, in a “Rear Window” [Hitchcock] kind of way.”
Romain JL, ‘Brush Strokes’
Romain JL, ‘Collecting Orange Peels’
Romain JL, ‘Crepuscular Corner’
Watch the trailer here:
“Whatever is alive, the small moments of joy and grace that can happen in their lives. It could be a totally random moment, like someone fixing his antenna, thats a very daily action, but he does it at a certain place with the right sunset or sunrise light on him. That makes him look much more dignified and that’s what I’m looking for; chasing the spectacular in daily things. ”
《天台故事》是香港居民,尤其是來自於九龍舊區的居民,在日常生活中真實情況的一個整合。這個半島的人口超過200萬,密度為 43,000/km2,可能是世界上人口最密集的城市地區之一。生活在這樣的一個極端城市化環境,居民的本土文化通過種種日常小事組成一個更大的故事;在這個每平方英尺以極高價格出售的地區,記錄他們如何在狹窄的城市善用其屋頂的空間。這見證了居民在老舊建築物內的生活方式,他們可以自由地走上屋頂,而這些屋頂就像空中花園一樣開放予整棟樓宇的居民使用。但由於土地短缺問題迫使,如今這些建築物正在快速地消失,當局正在一步步拆除這些低樓層建築,以便將空間留予更高、更現代的住宅興建。加上大部分新建住宅都以豪華裝修製成,使出身較卑微的人們無法負擔得起。因此,這種曾經很受基層歡迎的城市區域正在被清空,居民被迫搬遷至郊區生活。《天台故事》的所有照片都採用極端的垂直格式呈現,以突顯在這些區域所感受到的壓迫感。
Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze "Sky Waling" [Hong Kong, 2016]
Concrete stories is a collection of genuine instants from the daily life of Hong Kong's inhabitants, more particularly of people from the older districts of Kowloon. This peninsula has a population of over 2 millions people and a density of 43,000/km2, which might make it the densest urban area in the world. The vernacular culture of people living in such an extremely urbanized environment can be discovered through all these small stories that are forming a bigger one, a record of how people make use of available rooftops in a cramped city where each square feet can be sold at stratospheric prices. It is a testimony of the lifestyle of people living inside the oldest buildings of the city featuring an easy access to the rooftop that is often used by inhabitants from the whole buildings, like a courtyard in the air. Nowadays, these buildings are disappearing at a fast pace given the scarcity of lands which forces the authority to pull down all the low-rise buildings in order to leave space to taller and more modern residential ones. Most of these new buildings are made with luxury finishing making it totally unaffordable for humble people to live inside. This way, the once popular districts of the city are being emptied of its grass roots forced to go live in the outskirt of the city. All photographs are using an extreme vertical format in order to strengthen the feeling of cramped-ness that is felt in these places.
Concrete stories est une collection de moments authentiques de la vie quotidienne des habitants de Hong Kong, plus particulièrement des personnes venant des anciens quartiers de Kowloon. Cette péninsule possède une population de plus de 2 millions de personnes avec une densité de 43 000 hab/km2, ce qui fait d’elle un des espaces urbains les plus denses du monde.
La culture traditionnelle de ces habitants vivant dans un environnement aussi urbanisé peut être découverte à travers toutes ces petites histoires qui en forment une plus grande, à l’image de la façon dont les gens utilisent les toits disponibles dans une ville où chaque mètre carré peut être vendu à un prix stratosphérique. C’est un témoignage du mode de vie des personnes vivant dans les plus vieux bâtiments de la ville avec un accès facile aux toits, souvent utilisé par les habitants des autres immeubles, comme une cour dans les airs.
De nos jours, ces immeubles disparaissent à un rythme rapide compte tenu de la rareté des terres, forçant les autorités à abattre tous les immeubles peu élevés afin de créer de l’espace pour de plus grands immeubles, plus modernes et plus résidentiels. La plupart de ces bâtiments sont fabriqués avec des finitions de luxe, les rendants totalement inabordables pour les moins fortunés. De cette façon, les quartiers autrefois populaires de la ville sont vidés de leurs racines et les habitants forcés à s’éloigner de leur quartier d’origine.
Toutes les photographies sont dans un un format extrêmement vertical afin de renforcer ce sentiment d’étroitesse qui est ressenti dans ces endroits.
“Every photo has its own story, its own character. It can be simple actions, touching moments, one of the photos is a grandma and two little girls practicing badminton on a rooftop. Another one would be someone doing Tai Chi on his rooftop.”
“Chaque photographie a son histoire, sa propre identité. Cela peut être de simples actions, des moments touchants, une des photos montre une grand-mère et deux petites filles jouant au badminton sur un toit. Une autre dévoile quelqu’un faisant du Tai Chi sur son toit.”
“The vernacular culture of people living in such an extremely urbanised environment can be discovered through all these small stories that are forming a bigger one, a record of how people make use of available space in a cramped city. This series is a testimony of the lifestyle in these old buildings where the rooftop is usually not locked and accessible by all inhabitants. Such rooftops are a little bit like courtyards but in the air.”
“生活在這樣極端城市化環境中的人,他們的鄉土文化可以透過這些小故事來發現,而小故事同時形成一個更大的故事,記錄了他們如何在狹窄的城市中利用可用空間。 該系列展示出舊住宅大廈的生活方式,它們的屋頂通常沒有上鎖和容許所有居民使用。 這樣的屋頂有點像院子,但在空中。”
“La culture traditionnelle de ces habitants vivant dans un environnement aussi urbanisé peut être découverte à travers toutes ces petites histoires qui en forment une plus grande, à l’image de la façon dont les gens utilisent les toits disponibles dans une ville où chaque mètre carré peut être vendu à un prix stratosphérique. C’est un témoignage du mode de vie des personnes vivant dans les plus vieux bâtiments de la ville avec un accès facile aux toits, souvent utilisés par les habitants des autres immeubles, comme une cour dans les airs.”
2018-04 | Design Boom: 'romain jacquet-lagrèze captures hong kong’s rooftops in new photo series'
2018-04 | PHOTOBLOG HK: '法國攝影師 Romain JL 鏡頭下的香港天台光與影'
2018-04 | Fast Co Design: 'The Secret Life Of Hong Kong’s Communal Rooftops'
2018-04 | Format Magazine: 'The Hidden World of Hong Kong’s Rooftops'
2018-04 | SCMP: "Small Stories, Big Picture"
2018-01 | Photography is Art: 'The Concrete Stories'
The Blue Moment
© Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, ‘The Blue Moment’ #6, Hong Kong 2015
© Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, ‘The Blue Moment’ #2, Hong Kong 2015
The sun was shining on the sea,
Shining with all his might:
He did his very best to make
The billows smooth and bright —
And this was odd, because it was
The middle of the night.
Excerpt from “The Walrus and the Carpenter” by Lewis Carroll (author of ‘Alice in Wonderland’)
節錄自《海象與木匠》-路易斯.卡羅 (《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》著者)
According to art world legends this poem inspired surrealist Rene Magritte for the making of one of his most famous paintings: ‘Empire of the light’. This masterpiece depicts the paradoxical image of a nighttime street, lit only by a single street light, beneath a daytime sky. As per Magritte: “This evocation of night and day seems to me to have the power to surprise and delight us. I call this power: poetry". The painting is almost monochromatic, showing only blue, white, black, and yellow/gold. In theme and color scheme it’s not unlike Romain’s series: ‘The Blue Moment’.
Yet Romain’s work is real; documenting that split moment at summer’s dusk when the city turns blue. Over two summers the artist scouted elevated vantage points with a large format camera. No filter or heavy photoshopping has been applied.
As per the artist: 'For me, photography is a way to cast fleeting moments in still images. Moments and places don’t last, they disappear in time. One particular day I was shooting the city at sunset, bright light washed out most of the colours, you could feel the heat through the images. I decided to stay a little longer to watch the sun going down and the city lighting up. I witnessed how just for few minutes the city was enveloped in a deep blue haze. The blueness projected itself ferociously onto the buildings that looked colourless just a little while before. I was deeply impressed. The only way to eternalise this ephemeral moment was with my camera.’
The surreal character of his blue-laced imagery is enhanced by the composition: structures and nature are framed as they were cut up and put together. The density of the city is mirrored by nature that’s as intense.
Hong Kong’s photogenic character attracts many photographers. Capturing it in a new original way is becoming increasingly challenging. With his oeuvre ‘the Blue Moment’ he again documented this city in an unprecedented and unexpected way. Romain JL indeed has secured his position as one of Hong Kong’s most exciting young photographers, one that’s here to stay.
根據藝術圈的流傳,上述這首詩啟發了超現實主義畫家-雷內・馬格利特(Rene Magritte)創作出他最著名的畫作之一:《光之帝國》。這部傑作描繪充滿矛盾的景象:夜間的街道,只有一盞路燈在⼤⽩天的蔚藍天空下點亮。馬格利特曾說:「對我而言,這種白天與黑夜之間的呼喚,彷似一種讓人們驚訝和欣喜的力量。而我稱之為『詩歌』。」這幅畫幾乎是單色的,僅顯示藍色、白色、黑色和黃色/金色。巧合地,Romain的攝影系列《藍色時分》與這種神奇⾊調感覺似曾相識。
然而Romain的作品是十分真實;它記錄了夏天黃昏時份城市染藍的分裂一刻。 Romain花了兩個夏天,帶著一台大片幅相機探索不同位於高處的觀景點。 整個系列沒有應用後製濾鏡或大量的照片編輯。
「萬物變幻不息,⽽攝影就是把它凝結成圖像的方法。瞬間時光從不為誰停留,任何地點與⼈物亦會在不知不覺間驟然消失。某⽇⿈昏時分,我在市區拍照,順道欣賞⽇落景色。⽇落後的天空漸漸染上更深的藍,與此同時,路上的街燈與家家⼾戶的點燈光逐一亮起。看到整個城市被藍光包圍的一剎那,印象非常深刻,我趕緊拍下來。 這⽚極其短暫的藍彩,只有在難得的⼀瞬間才能遇見。⼀片鮮明的藍染在本來平平無奇的樓宇外牆上,輕輕的來,輕輕的走。它總是稍縱即逝,又愛逃避閃躲。能抓住它的唯一方法, 就是攝影。」Romain說道。
Romain這系列的藍調影像,將建築和大自然元素分割同時又結合起來,其構圖的美學增強當中的超現實感,城市的密度在大自然的襯托下變得更強烈。引人入勝的香港風景吸引了許多攝影師,然而尋找新的原創方式去捕捉香港,卻變得愈來愈具有挑戰性。 Romain憑藉他的作品《藍色時分》,再次以前所未有的驚艷方式記錄這座城市。 作為一名法藉居港攝影師,Romain成功確立了他作為香港最令人興奮的年輕攝影師之一的地位。
Selon les légendes du monde de l’art, ce poème a inspiré le surréaliste René Magritte dans la conception d’une de ces peintures les plus connues: “L’Empire des lumières”. Ce chef d’oeuvre dépeint l’image paradoxale d’une rue, pendant la nuit, éclairée par un seul lampadaire, en dessous d’un ciel de jour. D’après Magritte: “Cette évocation de la nuit et du jour semble pour moi avoir le pouvoir de nous surprendre et de nous ravir. J’appelle ce pouvoir: poésie”. La peinture est presque monochrome, montrant seulement du bleu, blanc, noir et jaune/or. Dans le thème et la palette de couleur, ce n’est pas sans ressemblance avec la dernière série de Romain: “The Blue Moment”.
Pourtant le travail de Romain est réel; capturant ce court instant au crépuscule quand la ville devient bleue. Pendant deux étés, l’artiste a exploré les points les plus élevés de Hong Kong avec une caméra grand format. Aucune retouche lourde n’a été appliquée.
D’après l’artiste: “ Pour moi, la photographie est une façon de projeter des moments brefs en images fixes. Les moments et les lieux ne durent pas, ils disparaissent avec le temps. Un jour, je capturais les immeubles au coucher du soleil et une lumière vive balaya soudainement toutes les couleurs de la ville, on pouvait ressentir la chaleur à travers les images. J’ai décidé de rester un peu plus longtemps pour regarder le soleil se coucher et voir la ville s’éclairer. J’ai vu comment pendant quelques minutes la ville était enveloppée par une épaisse brume bleutée. Le bleu se projetait sur les immeubles qui semblaient incolores peu de temps auparavant. J’étais profondément impressionné. La seule manière de garder ce moment pour l’éternité était avec ma caméra."
L’ambiance surréaliste de ses images bleutées est rehaussée par la composition: les structures et la nature sont présentées comme si elles avaient été découpées et mises ensembles. La densité de la ville fait face à la nature qui est tout aussi intense.
Le style très photogénique de Hong Kong attire de nombreux photographes. Le capturer d’une manière innovante est devenue de plus en plus difficile. Avec sa dernière oeuvre “ The Blue Moment” Romain JL a de nouveau documenté cette ville d’une manière sans précédent et inattendue. Il s’est en effet imposé comme l’un des jeunes photographes les plus passionnants d’Hong Kong, un qui est là pour rester.
© Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, ‘The Blue Moment’ #8, Hong Kong 2015
PRINTS ARE AVAILABLE as archival pigment prints on metallic pearl paper, mounted on di-bond,
with UV protective acrylic face-mount in an edition of 9 in each size, signed and dated by artist in back.
For further inquiries, please contact us.
Vertical Horizon
Vertical Horizon
Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze is a French photographer with a Masters in multimedia and art from East Paris University. His interest in photography began during his period of working in Los Angeles and Tokyo, and subsequently blossomed into a passion after his arrival in Hong Kong.
Stunned by its architectural "race to the sky" he felt the need to use his camera to share his feelings about the city. The geometry of the urban environment and the vivid lives it shelters are the aspects of Hong Kong that inspire him most.
The name Vertical Horizon is an obvious reminder of our competitive Hong Kong skyline where each building is trying to be the tallest, the boldest, the most beautiful, the youngest, the oldest or the most famous. The city is a metaphor of how we grow as a person. We are ambitious and reach for the sky but our lives are like buildings; we start at ground level and need a strong foundation in order to succeed.
Romains work has received attention from both local and international press such as SCMP (HK), Herald Tribune (US), National Geographic, Lonely Planet (HK), El Pais (Spain), Figaro (France), Huffinton Post (US), The Guardian (UK), Stern (Germany) and many more….
Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze原為一名法藉平面設計師,於巴黎東⼤學多媒體藝術學系碩士畢業。在洛杉磯及東京工作期間,他開始接觸攝影,至2011年移居香港後,環境的衝擊令他更爲熱衷。
Romain的作品在本地及海外媒體備受矚目,得到南華早報、蘋果日報、Herald Tribune、National Geographic、Lonely Planet、El Pais、Figaro、Huffington Post、The Guardian、Stern等大量媒體報導。至今他已出版過4本不同攝影系列作品的相集。
Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze est un artiste graphique français avec un Masters en multimédia et art de l’université de Paris-Est. Son intérêt pour la photographie a commencé pendant sa période de travail à Los Angeles et Tokyo, un intérêt qui est par la suite devenu une passion à son arrivée à Hong Kong.
Impressionné par son incroyable architecture, il a ressenti le besoin d’utiliser sa caméra afin de partager son point de vue de Hong Kong. La géométrie de cet environnement urbain et des vies qu’il accueille sont les aspects qui l’inspirent le plus.
Le nom Vertical Horizon est un rappel évident de la compétitive ligne d’horizon de Hong Kong où chaque immeuble essaye d’être le plus grand, le plus beau, le plus jeune, le plus vieux ou le plus connu. La ville est une métaphore de notre évolution en tant que personne. Nous sommes ambitieux et nous visons le point le plus haut mais nos vies sont comme des immeubles, nous commençons au niveau du sol et nous avons besoin d’une base solide afin de réussir.
Le travail de Romain a reçu l’attention de la presse locale et internationale telle que SCMP (HK), Herald Tribune (US), National Geographic, Lonely Planet (HK), El Pais (Spain), Figaro (France), Huffington Post (US), The Guardian (UK), Stern (Germany)…
Toutes les impressions ci dessus sont en vente en edition limitée. Merci de nous contacter sur si vous souhaitez recevoir plus d’informations regardant les prix et les dimensions etc…
All prints listed above are for sale as limited editions. Please contact us on if you wish to receive more information regards prices, sizes etc.
© Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, ‘Vertical Horizon’ #86, Hong Kong 2014
© Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, ‘Vertical Horizon’ #97, Hong Kong 2014
© Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze, ‘Vertical Horizon’ #95, Hong Kong 2014
PRINTS ARE AVAILABLE as beautiful archival pigment prints on metallic pearl paper, mounted on di-bond, with acrylic face-mount, signed and dated by artist in back.
For further inquiries, please contact us.
Wild Concrete
Wild Concrete
Wild Concrete is a series about resilience of nature in an urban environment. No matter how clever we are at dominating our environment with concrete structures, nature somehow finds its way to fight back. Romain’s images of sprouting flowers and maturing trees on unlikely places demonstrates how our concrete jungle eventually would have to give in to the force of nature, the day we let go.
⽣長於⽯屎森林中的樹木,同樣反映了人與⼈之間的疏離和對周遭事物的漠不關心。雖然如此,這些幼樹跟⼈類有著同樣的特質:不屈、 勤奮和獨立。即使周遭環境有多嚴峻,樹⽊和⼈人類都能以頑強的適應力和靈活變通的能⼒,爭取向上發展的機會,盼望過更美好的生活。
Wild Concrete est une série sur l’adaptation de la nature dans un environnement urbain. Peu importe à quel point nous maîtrisons notre environnement avec des structures en béton, la nature retrouve toujours son chemin. Les images de Romain de fleurs en germination et d’arbres grandissant dans des endroits improbables montrent à quel point notre jungle de béton devrait finalement céder à la force de la nature, le jour où nous laissons aller.
Pour d’autres demandes, merci de nous contacter.
PRINTS ARE AVAILABLE as archival pigment prints.
For further inquiries, please contact us.
Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze was born in Paris in 1987 and graduated with a Masters in Creative Media at the East Paris University. In 2009 he moved to Hong Kong in 2009 where the city inspired him to photograph the different aspects of his new home city.
Stunned by the architectural race to the sky and the three dimensional character of Hong Kong where lifts connect so many people and business they earn a street names, he published his first book with Asia One: ‘Vertical Horizon’ (p. 2012). The work was a hit a on social media and soon after his photographs spread like wild fire over the internet receiving attention from heavy weight local and international press.
Motivated by the international bravo he continued to make new projects exploring Hong Kong’s unique landscape. Wild Concrete (p. 2014) depicts nature’s resilience in an urban environment. The Blue Moment (p. 2016) is a body of work exploring duality of Hong Kong’s nature and urbanity during this magic hour at dusk. While Concrete Stories (p. 2018) collects a variety of human activities found on Hong Kong’s rooftops.
Romain’s work has received attention from both local and international press such as National Geographic, Lonely Planet, El Pais, Le Figaro, Huffington Post, The Guardian, Stern, South China Morning Post, Apple Daily, Herald Tribune, and many more. Four of his photo projects have been published into books.
Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze 於 1978 年生於法國,畢業於巴黎東大學多媒體藝術學系碩⼠,原為平面設計師。在洛杉磯及東京工作期間,他開始接觸攝影,⾄ 2009 年移居香港後,環境的衝擊令他更爲熱衷以攝影創作。⾼聳入雲的摩天大樓,在他眼中看來格外驚艷,讓他禁不住透過攝影表達他對這座城市的震撼感受。在幾何圖形般的市區環境裡,香港人過著活力多彩的⽣活,這正是香港令他著迷的原因。Romain 的作品在本地及海外媒體備受矚目,曾得到南華早報、蘋果日報、Herald Tribune, National Geographic、Lonely Planet、El Pais、Figaro、Huffington Post、The Guardian、Stern 等多間媒體報導。⾄今他已出版了五本不同攝影系列作品的相集,最新著作為《獅子山三十六景》。
2017-2 | LIFEFRAMER - 'Urban Life'
2016-9 National Geographic
2013-5 Guardian
2014-9 BBC
Live interview of Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze on BBC about his photographic project Vertical Horizon.
2016-5 | HYBEBEAST
'Romain Jacquet Lagrèze Talks Cityscapes and Fine Art Photography.' A true master of his craft.
Despite hailing from France, Romain Jacquet Lagrèze has found a new home, at least photographically speaking, in the concrete jungle that is Hong Kong.
2016-12 | GIZMODO: 'My Favorite Time of the Day Is When the Entire City Turns Blue'
2016-12 | PHOTOBLOG HK: '攝影師 Romain Jacquet Lagreze 鏡頭下的藍調香港「The Blue Moment」'
2016-12 | Daily News Agency (Japan): '夕暮れ時の一瞬に青く染まった香港の神秘的な街並みを撮影した写真集「The Blue Moment」
2016-9 | THE CULTURE TRIP: 'Hong Kong’s ‘Blue Moment’: An Interview With Photographer Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze'
2016-9 | IT POST ITALY
2016-8 | ZOOM - Artist Review
2016-5 | KNACK: 'Beeld van de week'
2016-5 | FREE PRESS: 'Hong Kong’s ‘Blue Moment’ by photographer Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze'
2016-5 | WIRED: 'Forget Golden Hour. Hong Kong’s Blue Hour Is Where the Magic’s At'
2016-5 | BORED PANDA: 'The Blue Moment: I Photograph The Atmosphere Of Hong Kong During Last Minutes Of Dusk'
2016-5 | CITYLAB: 'Capturing Hong Kong in the 'Blue Moment'
2016-5 | APPLE DAILY
2016-3 | COCONUTS HONG KONG: 'French photographer catches Hong Kong at summer's dusk in 'The Blue Moment' solo exhibition'
2016-3 | CREATIVE BOOM: 'The Blue Moment: Capturing the transition from day to night in Hong Kong's industrial heart'
2015-8 | Digital Photo, Denmark: 'Nyt Perspektive'
2015-7 | Sing Tao Newspaper
2015-6 | CNN | 'Eye-popping vertical: Photos give Hong Kong skyscrapers a radical new lookEye-popping vertical'
2015-4 | Reader's Digest: 'Look Twice'
2015-3 | Silver Kris Magazine, Hong Kong
2015-1 | The Optimist - Wild Concrete on The Optimist, Winter 2015 (Netherlands)
2014-11 | DIVO Magazine (Italy) | Ponto De Fuga
2014-11 World Photography Organization, 'Hong Kong in Focus'
2014-8 | DIE WELT (GERMANY) |
2014-8 U Magazine, 'Wild Concrete'
2014-7 | CO.DESIGN | 'These photos of Hong Kong Skyscrapers will make you very dizzy'
2014-6 | PARIS MATCH (FRANCE) | 'En Image: Le Hong Kong Vertical de Romain Jacquet-Lagreze'
2014-3 | SCMP | 'Life in a concrete jungle'
2013-11 | Lonely Planet 'High Kong'
Available for purchase online:
If you wish to receive Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze’s e-catalogue with more information regarding available prints and prices, please submit the form here below and we will revert real soon.