Photo-book: Discovering China 發現中國 | Tugo Cheng
Photo-book: Discovering China 發現中國 | Tugo Cheng
310mm (W) x 210mm (H)
1.20 kg
148 pages
ISBN: 978-988-77120-5-3
Covering more than 80 stunning photos taken in remote parts of China over the past decade, our new book with Tugo Cheng takes readers through journeys ranging from canyons of the Tian-shan Mountains in Xinjiang, salt lakes in Qinghai to Karst formations in Guangdong. Always exploring landscape photography from an artistic perspective, the photographer captures mesmerizing sceneries with an attention to interactions between human and nature. Various award-winning photos from the National Geographic Photo Contest and Sony World Photography Awards are also included in "Discovering China".
About Tugo Cheng
Tugo Cheng is a landscape photographer and professional architect based in Hong Kong. Cheng has won major awards in photography including the National Geographic Photo Contest and Sony World Photography Awards, and was shortlisted in international contests such as the National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year and Outdoor Photographer of the Year. Featured by local and international media his works were exhibited inHong Kong and London and auctioned for charity purpose in China.
鄭振揚,本地建築師和藝術攝影師,攝影作品屢奪國際殊榮,包括「國家地理全球攝影大賽冠軍」、「索尼世界攝影大獎」、「年度國際攝影師」和「藝術攝影大獎」,並入圍「哈蘇大師賽」。受其建築學背景影響,他的作品構圖特別著重線條和韻律以及影像帶來的視覺效果。鄭氏作品除了可見於其作品集《發現中國》和《Masters of Drone Photography》,還被海內外媒體如CNN, BBC, SCMP, Guardian和 Wallpaper*等刊載,國家地理雜誌更以其相片作為2019年4月號的封面。鄭氏不但在香港和歐亞等地展出作品,更於內地和歐洲拍賣作慈善用途。為表揚其藝術成就,鄭氏於2017年獲選為「Perspective亞太區40位年輕藝術家」之一。