Tugo Cheng
‘Water & Earth’
From the mountains of Tibet to the coastal fishing villages in the South-east, people in China and indeed all over the world have long been reshaping nature to cultivate food. This human expression of both creativity and survival results in unintentional landscapes and visual patterns that describe ancient cultures, traditions and their culinary roots. 'Water and Earth' is a new photographic series by the award winning Tugo Cheng based on Chinese vernacular landscapes, their rhythm and beauty caused by human transformation of the land and the sea.
This body of work, comprising mostly of drone aerial shots, shows how magical nature can be when man works in harmony with it, which is becoming ever more challenging with the growing population and its impact on the planets resources. The photographs remind us of a simpler time, prior to mechanised farming and mass production, of slower farming practices or what is now fashionably coined as ‘slow food.’ These traditions function on both a human and animal ‘scale’ - their limitations mean that what is harvested maintains the equilibrium of the eco-system. Human technology was once by its own inherent nature ‘in-tune’, what was taken from the Earth was not, as is now, hugely disruptive and destructive to the natural world.
With his camera and drone in hand, Cheng travelled to witness these stories of humanity all over China and to capture the local wonders of tea and rice terraces, puzzles of salt fields and the like. These images reveal the picturesque sceneries behind what we consume day-to-day, such as rice, tea, wheat, fish, oil and salt. These fundamentals have been harvested for thousands of years and connect us directly to our ancestors.
As a Fine Art photographer with an Architect’s eye, his full-time profession, Cheng is always in search of order and rhythm in everything he sees. His works are celebrated for their unconventional geometries and patterns that are reminiscent of ink paintings, as well as the affluent colours and textures that illuminate the most surreal and remote terrains on Earth. This project will result in a new photo-book to be released later in 2020.
長久以來,從崇山峻嶺的西藏內陸地區到東南部的沿海漁村,人們為了生活中各種各樣的食物而重塑了自然環境。無意之間,人類的生存力創造出不同的文化和傳統景觀,而這些景觀的視覺性描述出古老的文化、傳統以及「民以食為天」的根源。 地方人文景觀系列《一方水土》是屢獲殊榮本地建築師和藝術攝影師鄭振揚(Tugo Cheng)的最新攝影作品系列,以全新視角展示這些地域文化和風土人情所塑造出富韻律和美感的風景。
Coastal Geometries
Tugo Cheng is a Hong Kong based fine art photographer who has received multiple prestigious international awards and nominations in the field of photography. Influenced by his architectural background, he pays special attention to the order and rhythm in cultural and natural landscapes. With intent to raise awareness for conservation, he focuses on the unique yet volatile landscapes in China in the past decade. His China collections such as the National Geographic award-winning “Dreamscape" have been published in the book “Discovering China” by Asia One Hong Kong.
Tugo’s seascape series “Coastal Geometries”, capturing the abstract and poetic compositions in South China coast, has received enormous recognition worldwide and earned him the title International Discovery of the Year 2016.
Exploring Hong Kong’s life and cityscape from a new perspective, he created his aerial series “City Patterns” which was featured extensively by media such as CNN, National Geographic Magazine, Wall Street International and South China Morning Post. His works have been showcased in art fairs and exhibitions in Hong Kong, Asia and Europe.
Thus he was named Perspective 40-under-40 Artist in 2017 for his achievement in art and photography.
鄭振揚(Tugo Cheng)是香港本地建築師和藝術攝影師,在攝影領域獲得了多個國際知名獎項和提名。受其建築背景的影響,他特別專注捕捉文化和自然景觀的秩序和節奏。為了提高人們對環境保護的意識,於過去十年中 Tugo 專注於中國獨特而壯麗的景觀。他拍攝中國的作品中,包括獲得《國家地理》獎的《Dreamscape》,已被收錄於由香港 Asia One 出版的《發現中國》一書內。
Tugo的海景系列《Coastal Geometries》捕捉了華南沿岸的抽象且富詩意的構圖,其作品在國際上獲得廣泛認可,並獲得了2016年度 International Discovery of the Year 頭銜。他以嶄新的視角探索香港的生活和城市景觀,並創作出個人航拍系列《City Patterns》,該系列於《CNN》、《國家地理雜誌》、《Wall Street International》以及《南華早報》等媒體上受到廣泛報導。他的作品曾於香港、亞洲和歐洲的藝術博覽會及展覽中展出。其藝術和攝影領域的成就,於2017年獲選為「Perspective亞太區40位年輕藝術家」之一。
About Coastal Geometries
The award-winning seascape series ‘Coastal Geometries’ captures the abstract patterns of the aquaculture activities of Fujian province in the southeast coast of China. Bamboo rods are erected for multiple purposes of growing shellfish, hanging fishing nets and drying seaweeds. They form unique geometries and turn the seascape into an array of minimalist compositions of abstract lines and shapes.
Following the fishermen at work, the pictures narrate the story of fishing from a graphic perspective. Despite the aesthetics and cultural significance, some of these beautiful scenes are disappearing due to the rapid infrastructural development in the region.
Pictures in the ‘Coastal Geometries’ series, together with other gorgeous China landscapes, can be found in the book ‘Discovering China’. For availability and pricing, please check our Artsy page here , or contact us to receive the full catalogue.
關於《Coastal Geometries》
屢獲殊榮的海景系列《Coastal Geometries》,以抽像模式捕捉了中國東南沿海福建省的水產養殖活動。豎立竹竿的多種用途:種植貝類、懸掛漁網、晾曬海藻,促使它們形成獨特的幾何形狀,配合海景形成一系列抽象的線條,及造就出極簡主義作品。
跟隨漁民的日常工作,這些作品以幾何圖形的角度出發,講述捕魚的故事。雖然這些風景具有美學和文化意義,但由於該地區基礎設施的快速發展,當中一些美麗的景色正在消失。 《發現中國》一書中可以找到《Coastal Geometries》系列中的作品,以及其他絢麗的中國風景影像。
Awards & Exhibitions:
- Hasseldblad Masters Finalist 2018 (Farming the Sea)
- International Photographer of the Year - Grand Prize
- Sony World Photography Awards - 3rd Prize in National Award, Shortlisted in Travel category
- National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year - Shortlisted
- Fine Art Photography Awards: 3rd Prize
- Published in National Geographic Magazine
- Exhibited in Somerset House (London) and Willy Brandt House (Berlin) with World Photography Organization
- Exhibited in Eslite Bookstore Hong Kong
- Exhibited in Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong 2017
About City Patterns
Aerial series ‘City Patterns’ is a two-dimensional depiction of our city zooming in particular patterns, whether geometric or the way we live, or both. Architects design the built environment from scratch using plans and layouts. The lines and shapes on their blueprints, however, can hardly be seen by ordinary people in their daily lives. The series therefore reveals these long forgotten patterns and geometries of our city from a new perspective from above, with familiar places revisited from unfamiliar angles. The pictures from City Patterns are exhibited in Le French May and REVEAL 2 exhibitions at Artistree Hong Kong.
關於《City Patterns》
航拍系列《City Patterns》以二維模式描繪出我們的城市,放大了無論是幾何圖形還是我們的生活方式,這些特別的畫面都構成了特殊的圖案。建築師以計劃和佈局設計建築環境,但是普通人在日常生活中幾乎看不到建築藍圖上的線條和形狀。 因此 Tugo 以其專業知識混合藝術眼光,從上空以全新視角揭示我們城市長期以來被遺忘的模式和幾何形狀,並從陌生的角度重新審視了熟悉的地方。《City Patterns》系列作品曾在法國五月和REVEAL 2多個展覽中展出。
The series: 'City Patterns' is available as archival pigment prints in 3 sizes, each print is signed by the artist in the white bleed under the image. Below sizes don't include the white bleed of about 5 cm all around.
《City Patterns》系列可以三種不同尺寸作為限量數碼印刷品,每個印刷品均由藝術家在圖像下方的白邊簽署。以下尺寸不包括每邊約五厘米的白邊。
Large : 120 x 80 cm Limited Edition of 9
Medium: 90 x 60 cm Limited Edition of 9
Small: 60 x 40 cm Limited Edition of 20
You can also contact us if you wish to receive further information.
Educated in Hong Kong, Beijing and Cambridge, Tugo Cheng is a Hong Kong based architect and fine art photographer who has received multiple international awards and nominations including the “National Geographic Awards”, “Sony World Photography Awards”, “International Photographer of the Year”, “Fine Art Photography Awards” and “Hasselblad Masters”. Influenced by his architectural background, Cheng pays special attention to the order and rhythm in landscapes and cityscapes. His works can be found in his book Discovering China and other publications such as Masters of Drone Photography and media including CNN, BBC, SCMP, Guardian, Wallpaper* and National Geographic Magazine which featured his picture as the cover of April 2019 issue. His pictures were showcased in exhibitions and art fairs in Hong Kong, Asia and Europe, and auctioned by charity organisations. He was named “Perspective 40-under-40 Artist” in 2017 for his contribution in art and photography.
鄭振揚,本地建築師和藝術攝影師,曾於香港、北京和劍橋三地接受教育,其攝影作品屢奪國際殊榮,包括「國家地理全球攝影大賽冠軍」、「索尼世界攝影大獎」、「年度國際攝影師」和「藝術攝影大獎」,並入圍「哈蘇大師賽」。受其建築學背景影響,他的作品構圖特別著重線條和韻律以及影像帶來的視覺效果。鄭氏作品除了可見於其作品集《發現中國》和《Masters of Drone Photography》,還被海內外媒體如CNN, BBC, SCMP, Guardian和 Wallpaper*等刊載,國家地理雜誌更以其相片作為2019年4月號的封面。鄭氏不但在香港和歐亞等地展出作品,更於內地和歐洲拍賣作慈善用途。為表揚其藝術成就,鄭氏於2017年獲選為「Perspective亞太區40位年輕藝術家」之一。
2017 | REVEAL 2: City Unfolded, Oil Street Art Space, Hong Kong Institute of Architects, Hong Kong
2017 | Upside Down, Le French May, Blue Lotus Gallery, Hong Kong
2017 | Coastal Geometries, Eslite Bookstore, Hong Kong
2017 | Coastal Geometries, Shangri-la Hotel, Hong Kong
2016 | Discovering China, Harbour City Gallery, Hong Kong
2016 | Artistree HK - REVEAL 2: City Patterns, Hong Kong Institute of Architects, Hong Kong
2016 | Affordable Art Fair HK, Blue Lotus Gallery, Hong Kong
2016 | Willy Brandt Haus Berlin, World Photography Organization, Berlin
2016 | Somerset House, World Photography Organization, London
2017 | International Photographer of the Year | Grand Prize Winner
2017 | International Photographer of the Year | Overall Winner in Fine Art
2017 | International Photographer of the Year | Overall Winner in Architecture
2017 | International Photographer of the Year | 1st Place in Fine Art: Landscapes
2017 | International Photographer of the Year | 1st Place in Architecture: Buildings
2017 | International Photographer of the Year | 2nd Place in Nature: Seascapes
2016 | National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year | Shortlisted and featured
2016 | Sony World Photography Awards | Third Prize in National Award
2016 | Sony World Photography Awards | Shortlisted in Travel category
2015 | National Geographic International Photo Contest | First Prize
2015 | National Geographic Photo Contest | Honourable Mention
2015 | Outdoor Photographer of the Year | Shortlisted and featured
2014 | Changbai Mountain International Photo Contest | Merit Award
2017-2 | South China Morning Post 'In pictures: Hong Kong photographer Tugo Cheng’s coastal geometries'
2017-2 | Ta Kung Pao '鄭振揚:誠實建築反映需要'
2016-10 | Hong Kong Economic Journal '浪漫西藏'
2016-10 | China Daily ' Shooting from the Top'
2016-10 | Culture Trip 'The Gorgeous Landscape Photography Of Tugo Cheng: An Interview'
2016-9 | HK01 '【影展消息】NatGeo得獎港人攝影師 探索中國自然風光'2016-8 | DigitalRev 'The Patterns Of Hong Kong From The Air'
2016-3 | South China Morning Post 'Award-winning Hong Kong photographer wants to show unknown China to the world'
2016-3 | Digital Photographer (UK ) 'Story behind the Sony World Photo Shortlist – Tugo Cheng
2016-3 | Club Wheelock Magazine 'Through the lens of an Architect'
2016-3 | Photo Magazine '國家地理得獎香港攝影師Tugo Cheng:揭示獨到的風光攝影心得'
2016-7 | Paizhe (China) '一位把中国美拍到极致的建筑师,国家地理都来"捧场"'
2016-2 | Apple Daily 'Nat Geo奪獎攝影師鏡頭留住大自然'
2016-2 | Ming Pao '捕捉神州七彩變幻 「繪」出鬼斧抽象畫"
2016-2 | China Travel '[人物專訪]第433期 中國線條——Tugo Cheng的光影旅程'
2016-1 | Photoblog''[Photoblog 訪談]國家地理攝影比賽 2015 得獎者 Tugo Cheng 鏡頭下的中國河山'
2015-10 | National Geographic 'Behind the Picture: Find Out Why This Photo Looks Like a Drawing'
2015 | Silverkris - Singapore Airlines Magazine (Singapore) 'Tugo Cheng reveals fluid motifs carved into landscapes by nature and man'
310mm (W) x 210mm (H)
1.20 kg
148 pages
ISBN: 978-988-77120-5-3
If you wish to receive Tugo Cheng’s e-catalogue with more information in regards to available prints and prices, please submit the form here below and we will revert real soon.