Filtering by: Lecture / Talk

Artist Talk by Stefan Irvine
11:30 AM11:30

Artist Talk by Stefan Irvine

Come meet the artist - Stefan Irvine on Sunday 28 January, starting at 11:30am - 1:00pm. He will share more stories about his exhibition and new photo book, “Abandoned Villages of Hong Kong”, published by Blue Lotus Editions.

歡迎你於1月28日來參與《瓦落叢生》攝影集作者-Stefan Irvine 於畫廊舉行的分享會,屆時他將會分享更多關於他這本最新出版的攝影集及同名展覽的故事。

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Artist Talk by Palani Mohan
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk by Palani Mohan

Come meet the artist - Palani Mohan on Saturday 25 November, starting at 11:00am - 12:30pm. He will share more stories about his latest photo book and exhibition, titled 'Watch with Wonder.'

歡迎你於11月25日來參與《Watch with Wonder》攝影集作者-Palani Mohan 於畫廊舉行的分享會,屆時他將會分享更多關於他這本最新出版的攝影集及同名展覽的故事。

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Artist Talk by Andrew Eldon
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk by Andrew Eldon

Come meet the artist - Andrew Eldon on Saturday 4 November, starting at 11:00am - 12:30pm. He will share his experiences of capturing the world of Suri, a semi-nomadic tribe inhabiting the remote Omo Valley of Ethiopia, about their life and traditions.

歡迎你於11月4日來參與《Tribe 部落》系列攝影師 -Andrew Eldon 於畫廊舉行的分享會,屆時他將會分享更多關於拍攝埃塞俄比亞奧莫谷地的蘇里部落世界的故事,分享蘇里生活與傳統共存的優雅和輝煌。

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Free Book Talk on Michael Wolf’s Photo-books with Buchkunst Berlin
11:00 AM11:00

Free Book Talk on Michael Wolf’s Photo-books with Buchkunst Berlin

Join us on 1 April to meet the people behind the German publisher Buchkunst Berlin: Thomas Gust and Ana Druga. They will share their experience with creating some of the most iconic photo-books by Michael Wolf, including ‘Tokyo Compression’,‘Cheung Chau Sunrises’ and ‘HK Lost Laundry’.

誠邀大家於本週六參與一場免費的分享會! 柏林出版社 Buchkunst 的 Ana Druga 和 Thomas Gust 將會為大家分享創作及出版 Michael Wolf 的攝影書《Tokyo Compression》、《Cheung Chau Sunrises》和《HK Lost Laundry》的經驗及背後故事。

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Artist Talk with Walter Koditek
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk with Walter Koditek

Come meet Walter Koditek! The author of ‘Hong Kong Modern Architecture of the 1950s - 1970s’, on the first day of his same title Solo Exhibition at Blue Lotus Gallery! He will share his experiences of combining photography and research to create a comprehensive overview of architectural design during that transformative period.

歡迎你於1月14日來參與《1950-1970年代香港現代建築》作者 -Walter Koditek 於畫廊舉行的分享會,屆時他將會分享如何結合攝影、詳細背景資料和學術論文,去概述香港於五十至七十年代的轉型時期的建築。

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Artist Talk With Ian Lambot
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk With Ian Lambot

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet with Ian Lambot on 27 November, where he will share his experiences of documenting Kowloon Walled City, and the history behind the most densely populated neighbourhoods in the world.

不要錯過11月27日舉行的 Ian Lambot 分享會,屆時他將會分享更多關於九龍城寨的故事,以及這個人口最稠密的小區背後的歷史。

Artist Talk with Ian Lambot
Sunday 27th Nov 2022, 11am
Venue: Blue Lotus Gallery, 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
++ Free Event, RSVP required, Conducted in English

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FULLY BOOKED: Artist Talk with Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze | Thirty-six Views of Lion Rock 獅子山三十六景 @ Blue Lotus Gallery
2:00 PM14:00

FULLY BOOKED: Artist Talk with Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze | Thirty-six Views of Lion Rock 獅子山三十六景 @ Blue Lotus Gallery

Sunday 18 September 2022, 2-4 pm at Blue Lotus Gallery

Meet the photographer behind projects such as City Poetry, The Blue Moment and Concrete Stories. Hear about his latest project ‘Thirty-six Views of Lion Rock’ - the first photo-book published by Blue Lotus Editions - the newly established publication arm of Blue Lotus Gallery, and the process behind it. This is the perfect chance to ask questions to the photographer and to get your books signed by the artist.

與拍攝《天台故事》、《藍色時分》及《城市詩意》系列的攝影師會面,了解其最新系列及由 Blue Lotus Gallery 新成立的出版社 - Blue Lotus Editions 首度出版的《獅子山三十六景》攝影集背後的創作過程;把握向攝影師提問的機會及即場購買親筆簽名攝影集。

+++ This event is free of charge
+++ 座談會免費參加

*RSVP - First come first serve basis - Fully Booked Thank you!

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Book Launch & Signing: Instagrampier by Pierfrancesco Celada
4:00 PM16:00

Book Launch & Signing: Instagrampier by Pierfrancesco Celada

The Instagrampier is a public cargo pier located on the west side of Hong Kong Island.
Every day, a great number of instagrammers, photographers and curious gather daily at the pier, especially at sunset, for taking selfies and scenic photos.
I started walking to the pier on a daily basis, and I soon begun noticing all the repetitions, including my own.
People would return to the pier, to create and re-create, very similar Instagram driven imagery; a constant repetition of poses and situations played by a never-ending number of interchangeable actors.
The pier becomes a place of transition, between reality and the virtual world of self-representation; between our real-selves and the way we wish our lives were perceived and represented; a “shared” portraiture of contemporary living.

Come meet the photographer and get your copy of Instagrampier signd

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Zoom Artist Talk With Greg Girard
11:00 AM11:00

Zoom Artist Talk With Greg Girard

Do not miss out on the Zoom talk with Greg Girard on 27 November 21, he will share more stories about his never previously exhibited Hong Kong 80s photographs of the ‘HK UNSEEN’ exhibition, and transports us back to the 80s reliving the memories of times now long gone.

不要錯過11月27日舉行的Greg Girard Zoom分享會,屆時他將分享更多關於'HK UNSEEN'展覽作品的背後故事,帶我們重遊八十年代香港,重溫那段醉人的時光,

Zoom Artist Talk with Greg Girard
Saturday 27th Nov 2021 Sat, 11am. Meet at the gallery or log in online
Venue: Blue Lotus Gallery, 28 Pound Lane, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
++ Free Event, RSVP required, Conducted in English

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Rediscover and Restructure: Art and Sensuality in Fan Ho’s Cinema
to Nov 6

Rediscover and Restructure: Art and Sensuality in Fan Ho’s Cinema

  • Broadway Cinematheque (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fan Ho, who would have turned 90 on this very day, is known internationally as a master photographer but his cinematic career has almost faded into obscurity.

‘Reel to Reel Film Heritage 2021-Rediscover and Restructure: Art and Sensuality in Fan Ho’s Cinema’ organised by Reel to Reel Institute will feature important works from Fan Ho’s neglected but yet important film career.

This series of screenings will provide a unique opportunity to rediscover Hong Kong’s home grown international renowned artist and his talent beyond his photography.

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Live Artist Talk With Christopher Button
11:00 AM11:00

Live Artist Talk With Christopher Button

Come join us for a live talk with Christopher Button from the ‘The Labyrinth’ exhibition on 11 September 21, where he will share how he transforms the city’s most crowded locations into a quiet, dystopian world…
Live Artist Talk with Christopher Button
Date: Saturday 11 September, Time: 11 am
++ Free Event

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Live + Zoom Artist Talk with Ben Felten
11:00 AM11:00

Live + Zoom Artist Talk with Ben Felten

We welcome you to join a live talk with one of the artist - Ben Felten from the ‘NUDE STUDIES 裸體研究’ group exhibition, where he will share more about his cyanotype printing and the stories behind.
Live Artist Talk with Ben Felten
Date: Saturday 22 May, Time: 11am
++ Free Event, RSVP required, Conducted in English

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Zoom Artist Talk with Michael Kenna
11:00 AM11:00

Zoom Artist Talk with Michael Kenna

We welcome you to join a live talk with one of the artist - Michael Kenna from the ‘NUDE STUDIES 裸體研究’ group exhibition, where he will share more about his series ‘Rafu’ and the stories behind.

Zoom Artist Talk with Michael Kenna (meet at the gallery or log in online)
Date: Saturday 15 May, Time: 11am
++ Free Event, RSVP required, Conducted in English

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Exhibition: NUDE STUDIES 裸體研究 | AU, FELTEN & KENNA
to Jun 13

Exhibition: NUDE STUDIES 裸體研究 | AU, FELTEN & KENNA

‘NUDE STUDIES 裸體研究’ explores the age-old fixation by artists to represent the human body specifically through the lens of three current photographers. All practice within the analog domain and yet their work manifests in unique forms. From the Grand Master of the minimal black & white aesthetic, Michael Kenna breaks new ground by photographing the human figure for the first time but not without his signature style. For colour and the vital female gaze we turn to Au Tze Long whose intimate and deeply personal works move between stories, dreams, ritual and reality, whispering of life’s inherent messiness and pain. Ben Felten’s project on photosynthesis marriages content and technique as his double exposures of plants on nudes come to life through cyanotype printing which are developed in sunlight.

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Zoom Talk with Yasuhiro Ogawa 小川康博
11:00 AM11:00

Zoom Talk with Yasuhiro Ogawa 小川康博

We welcome you to an intimate talk with Yasuhiro Ogawa where he will give you a private tour and explanation about his new exhibition ‘The Dreaming’.
Zoom Talk with Yasuhiro Ogawa (meet at the gallery or log in online)
Date: Saturday 24 April, Time: 11am
++ Free Event, RSVP required, Conducted in English

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Exhibition: 'The City Poetry of Hong Kong' | Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze
to Mar 18

Exhibition: 'The City Poetry of Hong Kong' | Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze

  • Blue Lotus Gallery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

As an extension of the 'City Poetry' artworks selected for the Ferragamo 'Bing Sutt' truck, Blue Lotus Gallery is pleased to showcase a series of unique views on Hong Kong by the French artist Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze. The photographs have been shot over the last 10 years since the artist moved to the city he now calls home.

作為 Ferragamo「Bing Sutt」貨車精選的「City Poetry」藝術品之延伸,Blue Lotus Gallery 很高興可以展出法國藝術家 Romain Jacquet-Lagrèze 過去十年在香港所創作的作品,呈現他對這個家獨特的觀賞角度。

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'Back to Nature' Finissage | Poetry reading by Marc Progin
5:00 PM17:00

'Back to Nature' Finissage | Poetry reading by Marc Progin

Marc Progin travels both in body and mind - would you like to join?

An essential element to his artistic practice is that of writing. We welcome you to a rare opportunity to listen to Marc reading his own prose as a ceremony to close his exhibition ‘Back to Nature.’ His photos and talks take us on a journey to Mongolia, hearing his prose will hopefully bring you closer to understanding what he experiences and what this land has triggered in his mind-scape.

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EXTRA! Artist Talk #5 with Marc Progin | Back to Nature FULLY BOOKED
11:00 AM11:00

EXTRA! Artist Talk #5 with Marc Progin | Back to Nature FULLY BOOKED

We welcome you to an intimate talk with Marc Progin where he will give you a private tour and explanation about his new exhibition ‘Back to Nature’ as well as give you behind the details of his expeditions to Mongolia.

++ Free Event

RSVP required | First come first serve basis

Conducted in English - Cantonese translation available on prior request

Capacity [gathering] will be in-line with government regulations

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Artist Talk #3 with Marc Progin | Back to Nature FULLY BOOKED
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk #3 with Marc Progin | Back to Nature FULLY BOOKED

We welcome you to an intimate talk with Marc Progin where he will give you a private tour and explanation about his new exhibition ‘Back to Nature’ as well as give you behind the details of his expeditions to Mongolia.

++ Free Event

RSVP required | First come first serve basis

Conducted in English - Cantonese translation available on prior request

Capacity [gathering] will be in-line with government regulations

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Artist Talk #2 with Marc Progin | Back to Nature FULLY BOOKED
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk #2 with Marc Progin | Back to Nature FULLY BOOKED

We welcome you to an intimate talk with Marc Progin where he will give you a private tour and explanation about his new exhibition ‘Back to Nature’ as well as give you behind the details of his expeditions to Mongolia.

++ Free Event

RSVP required | First come first serve basis

Conducted in English - Cantonese translation available on prior request

Capacity [gathering] will be in-line with government regulations

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Artist Talk #1 with Marc Progin | Back to Nature FULLY BOOKED
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk #1 with Marc Progin | Back to Nature FULLY BOOKED

We welcome you to an intimate talk with Marc Progin where he will give you a private tour and explanation about his new exhibition ‘Back to Nature’ as well as give you behind the details of his expeditions to Mongolia.

++ Free Event

RSVP required | First come first serve basis

Conducted in English - Cantonese translation available on prior request

Capacity [gathering] will be in-line with government regulations

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'Back to Nature' 回歸自然 a photographic journey through Mongolia with Marc Progin
to Jul 5

'Back to Nature' 回歸自然 a photographic journey through Mongolia with Marc Progin

Back to nature is a photographic journey through Mongolia, with Marc Progin, that bypasses the walls of societies and the cities to enlarge our horizon and reconnect with the 3 worlds that are the sky, the earth and nature. It is at the same time while travelling in open space, to enter your inner self; to discover the beauties of nature and awaken those who sleep in you. It is to find the human essence, from where we came from and to give a reason to our life, learn for what else we are on earth than to live.

(click title for full text)

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Artist Talk with Keith Macgregor | The Way We Were
11:00 AM11:00

Artist Talk with Keith Macgregor | The Way We Were

The Way We Were is a photographic journey down memory lane through the vast collection of work by the iconic Keith Macgregor that throws you back to Hong Kong during its prime: namely the 70s and 80’s. The talk bursts with nostalgic street scenes steeped in colonial and local culture, city panoramas and images of life on the sea in full colour and black & white. In fact Macgregor’s own life story exemplifies the era in question, full of playful ambition, entrepreneurial spirit, chance encounters and good old hard work. The Way We Were expresses a city abound in colour, diversity and optimism, a documentation and flashback to a time where the ‘Hong Kong Dream’ was forged and people went ‘all in’ on the game of life.

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'City of Darkness' by Greg Girard & Ian Lambot
to Dec 8

'City of Darkness' by Greg Girard & Ian Lambot

Blue Lotus Gallery is proud to present ‘City of Darkness’: an exhibition exploring the old and long gone Walled City of Kowloon as photographed by Greg Girard and Ian Lambot. This influential body of work, which to date sold over 25,000 books, will be on view in a gallery setting for the first time since first published. This exhibition will be showcasing prints, books and other memorabilia related to the Walled City.

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Book Launch: PING PONG by Miguel Marina
4:00 PM16:00

Book Launch: PING PONG by Miguel Marina

Blue Lotus Gallery is pleased to launch the fresh and fun photobook, PING PONG, by Miguel Marina also known as Miguelitor. Don’t miss the opportunity to get your copy signed or purchase an original Limited Edition print.

These are moments captured by the photographer on his journeys in the Phillipines, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Spain and Portugal, however 90% were shot in Hong Kong here he is based. The collection is full of decisive moments, emotions, humor, geometry, symmetry, slow shutter speed and different Street Photography techniques.

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Workshop: ‘Fotomo’ 3D Photo-Collage With 葉家偉 Alexis Ip
4:00 PM16:00

Workshop: ‘Fotomo’ 3D Photo-Collage With 葉家偉 Alexis Ip

Saturday 7 September, 4–6 pm | 2019年9月7日 下午4-6時

As part of the exhibition RECONSTRUCTION we are pleased to offer people the opportunity for people to learn how Alexis makes is amazing 3D collages. After sold out workshop last year at Blue Lotus Gallery we look forward to host another educational experience from a local Hong Kong artist.

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Artist Talk with Stefan Irvine | The Last Tong Lau @ Blue Lotus Gallery
4:00 PM16:00

Artist Talk with Stefan Irvine | The Last Tong Lau @ Blue Lotus Gallery

Saturday 17 August, 4–6 pm | 2019年8月17日 下午4-6時

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear the behind the scenes stories from Stefan’s iconic The Last Tong Lau photo series. He will explain the creative process and collaboration with digital artist Jörg Dietrich, as well as individual histories of each Tong Lau.

This is a FREE event.

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Through the Lens | Artist Talk with Jo Farrell @ Blue Lotus Gallery
4:00 PM16:00

Through the Lens | Artist Talk with Jo Farrell @ Blue Lotus Gallery

Spend an afternoon at Blue Lotus Gallery with photographer and cultural anthropologist Jo Farrell.

Jo will show her latest documentary work on womens traditions and cultures in Asia and will discuss the aesthetics of beauty in our modern day society. Learn the stories behind the Chin and Kayan tribes centuries old traditions of modifying the body for beauty and marriage. Follow in her footsteps and learn what it takes to go into rural areas, staying on the floor of villages huts, travelling by boat, train, and motorbike to capture some of the last remaining women who followed their tribes customs.

親臨Blue Lotus Gallery與攝影師及文化人類學家Jo Farrell一起度過愉快的下午。

Jo將展示她最新關於亞洲女性傳統及文化的紀錄片,並將會一同探討當下現代社會中的女性美學。 這部新紀錄片涵蓋關於Chin和Kayan部落背後的故事,以及數世紀以來部落女性為了美感和婚姻而修改身體的傳統。 一起來跟隨Jo的步伐,了解需要甚麼條件才可進入這些農村地區,去住在村莊小屋的地板上;跟她一起乘船、火車和電單車開展旅程,去捕捉這些絕無僅有仍然跟隨其部落習俗的女性。

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