Workshop: Picture | Sequence | Photobook 《影像.序列.攝影集》工作坊
A workshop for serious photographers and photo editors who want to take the step from their own world of images to developing a sequence and building their own photo book. In a combination of lectures and practical work, which build on each other, the personal and unique vision of each work is conceived and developed step by step in this compact 5-day workshop together with the photo book experts Thomas Gust and the book designer Ana Druga.
本工作坊專為所有攝影創作者而設計,帶領大家從自己的影像世界邁出一步,了解如何尋找影像間的序列,並從中構建出專屬自己的攝影集。我們從德國邀來攝影集專家 Thomas Gust 和書籍設計師 Ana Druga,為大家準備為期 5 天的工作坊,將理論與實踐結合,由零開始引領各位逐步構思及發展出每本獨一無二的個人攝影集。