Photo-book: Glittorama | Nicolas Chow


Photo-book: Glittorama | Nicolas Chow


Released by Nicolas Chow in 2012


104 pages

1.5cm (L) x 15.5cm (W) x 23cm (H)

ISBN: 978-962-7287-04-9


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Nicholas Chow, as the chairman of Asian Arts at Sotheby's, has used his access to some of the most eccentric Asian collectors in a remarkably creative way.

This little-known book, 'Glitterama,' is a captivating portrait of one of Asia's most flamboyant collectors, 97 year old Robert Chang.

Chang arrived in Hong Kong in 1948 with just a suitcase and $24 in his pocket, lacking formal academic qualifications. Initially, he survived on one or two meals a day and even resorted to sleeping on the streets, using newspapers as his bedding when he couldn't afford lodgings.

He started his antique trade in a stall on Cat Street, with goods supplied by his father, a seasoned collector and dealer from Shanghai.

Over the years, Chang became a prominent dealer and avid collector, particularly of important ceramics that were very affordable at the time.

Riding the wave of Hong Kong's industrial and financial growth in the mid-20th century, Chang was one of the leaders who helped establish the city as a significant player in the antiques market. By the 1960s, he was running five stores and had become a true "golden boy" of the Chinese art and antiquities trade.

Chang himself is a striking, larger-than-life flamboyant figure. His home is packed with treasures from ceiling to floor, and his residence in Suzhou even features a rock garden where the rocks are covered in silver and gold.

All that glitters is indeed gold in Chang's eccentric world, and Chow's book provides a captivating portrait of this unique Hong Kong character who helped shape the antique world in this city.

About Nicolas Chow:

Nicolas Chow is better known as the Chairman of Sotheby's Asia and Worldwide Head of Asian Art. Despite his demanding responsibilities, he has developed a keen interest in photographic storytelling, with a particular fascination for the uncanny and the surreal. This passion has been expressed through various photobook publications that he has produced over the years.